My Clean Planet Activities Day #41

in CLEAN PLANET7 months ago

Hello everyone,

How are you all doing today, happy Valentine's day even though it is not everybody that will celebrate it. I'm really happy to be here with you again and I welcome you all to my blog once again.

Today is a Valentine's day and everybody is happy, celebrating it one way or the other and some people are finding there true love on a day like this and I hope the love you deserve locate you all and find happiness all through you lives.

Let not do Valentine and forget our duty because cleaning is important no matter what we are celebrating. The sun was at the peek today and the heat was so much that I find it hard to step feet outside but after some time I went out to get myself cold drink because even the water inside was hot.

When I came back and feel refreshed, I rest for a while before I put my strength together before I went out again to do my cleaning activities. I just pick up some dirty that was littering around and dump it and end my cleaning activities there.

It is not that far from my house but I can't leave the dirty surroundings just because it's not my place, it is part of the planet, so I just do the little I can do and make sure that the environment is clean.

It's always thanks to those who initiate this clean planet activities which was a good thing people are starting to see why cleaning is important and I was able to show my daily cleaning activities here everyday.

Here is my today's cleaning activities, this is my today 14th of February, 2024 clean planet activities.

A big Thanks to

Thanks for checking on my blog and have a wonderful day


Happy Valentine's Day
You did a great job, this valentine

Thank you