The Weather of Besk (World Building Notes)

in Worldbuildinglast year

@alonicus released a prompt into the world-building community asking us to describe a storm in our setting and talk about some of the ramifications of said extreme weather.

Here's A Link To The Post If You Want To Get Involved.


Weather Manipulation

Besk is known as a world where the weather has always been their biggest threat - standing in the way of progress - and they evolved in such a way to deal with the colder climate of their world, due to the planet rotating further from the sun than most other worlds.

The Beskin people are covered in fur, which helps them stay warm in the colder season, 3/4 of their year is taken up by the cold season, and a 1/4 of their season is particularly brutal. Storms, flash freezes, and downpours of rain are common at this time of the year.

Coupled with their thick coats of fur, which usually shed in the warmer months, they took to building their homes deep underground and hibernating during the early stages of their evolution. The problem posed by this was flash floods - before they knew where to build - which killed large swaths of their early communities. Many old communities were excavated in the modern age, revealing mass graves.


The Modern Age

One of their first challenges as a global civilisation was weather monitoring systems, which then turned to weather manipulation.

At key parts of their world, massive structures were erected, which would aid them in this endeavour, and for a long time the people of Besk didn't need to worry about it and didn't need to build their cities and complexes underground anymore; they conquered their world.

Now, they were able to focus on other things, namely, space and travel beyond their worldly borders. They are known as one of the first civilisation in the Free Space Alliance (FSA) who didn't need to wait for first contact by the Alid - the race known for first discovering space travel which led to them making first contact with many different races and worlds, to then teach and help them grow to the next stage of their mental evolution.

Beskins were - in fact - able to share some of their discoveries with the Alid upon first contact, and they aided in the growth and development of much larger vessels, which could then be used in colonisation efforts, aided by the Doshan's who were the Beskins first contact before their adoption into the FSA.

The Beskins, Alids, Doshans, and Jexi were known for having a closer connection, due to the amount of time they worked together, and the proximity of their homeworlds compared to the latter races to join the FSA.


After The Confederation

When the Confederation waged a war against all worlds of the FSA, the Beskins were hit hard due to their naval prowess. Among many - as the invasion took place - Besk was known as "The Dockyard of Free Space." This led to a brutal campaign with the intent of crippling their production of ships.

After some careful reconnaissance, and brutal interrogations, The Confederation found their obvious weakness; the weather. Most of the manipulation structures were targeted and bombarded from orbit. They were doused in enough firepower that the old sites are little more than craters now.

Those centres held back a tidal wave of in-orbit destruction and once the dam was broken, the Confederation only had to watch as mega storms brewed and destroyed hundreds of years of progress. Cities became shells. Towers became reminders of the old world. The Beskin were forced to re-inhabit their old subterranean cities, which for a time, could not contain their entire population - which had grown unchecked for centuries.

Their society would have completely crumbled after this attack, had they not had the old shelters to fall back to.

Since this major event, the storms are still a major issue, but slowly the Beskins are rebuilding, with the aid of other worlds in the FSA, and those storms are becoming less severe. But, it does pose an issue for most.

For the longest time, the Beskins ceased all production of ships on their world, and outsourced their best engineers to more suitable planets, to continue rebuilding the fleets of the FSA. However, slowly these workers are being called back home, but most don't answer the call having set up lives in the - nearly - two decades since the invasion.

One thing to come from all of this is the Beskin society has been extremely humbled by the weather and how easily it can undo all of their progress. The modern generations now know the fear of their ancestors, and their hubris has been kept in check since the invasion.


This is an interesting topic, especially as we ourselves near a time when we'll be able to control the weather. Weather manipulation in stable environments could also be a source of conflict between groups. Where I live, Pacific Northwest, we get atmospheric blasts of South Pacific moisture throughout the year. Let's say our neighbours to the south decided to redirect this weather stream for their own purposes. Suddenly, we would find ourselves in dire straits water-wise, and we would not be a happy bunch. In your world, the weather is more extreme, but I can see a similar situation developing. Great world building topic.

Wow, that's a really interesting idea. Using weather as a weapon essentially, but pushing heavy rainfall into an already damp and wet area could potentially cause immense flooding, and in the way you said, water - if it became scarce - could lead to some massive issues.