My eBay Store Is Live

in Rant, Complain, Talk4 months ago

I did it, I finally did it! Now that it has begun, I think the wheels will keep spinning for a while.



For the last 3 days, I've been getting some stuff up on my eBay store, and so far so good. Now, I've had no sales, but I have had a fair few views, and some of my items are currently in some peoples watch list.

I'd personally like to get a good bit of stuff up on the store, before I start making sales. I just want to fill it up, although, if the sales started coming in soon I wouldn't be complaining all that much.

I put 5 items up on Monday, 3 on Tuesday, and 4 today, so in total I have 12 items listed, for a grand total of €248.49 before eBay's fee of 10-15% which would work out as a deduction of either €24.92, or €37.08 respectfully.

It's not too bad, but I don't know what other fee's and things like that may be included, so that's just an estimation.

As well as that, I kind of put each listing up for a reasonable price, at a bit lower than the average person, but I also added a lower number that I'd be willing to go down to. Now, my listings say, €25, or best offer. Which is great, because people will be able to haggle a bit if they're interested.

I have it set to ignore any offers lower than the lowest number, because I'm not bothered seeing silly offers, should any come through.

New Listings

I have a folder in my google drive, filled with subfolders for each game photographed so far, and when I'm ready to upload I download those pictures, fill out the details on the listing post, activate it, then move the google drive folder into another sub folder "Listed" really, it's just for organization, and so I can keep those pictures handy, incase I decide to start another online store elsewhere, selling anything that doesn't sell on eBay.

There are enough ones unlisted, to allow me to put up 2-3 listings, until Saturday, and what's good is, I'm going to get some more pictures taken on Friday, so my hope is to have enough photographs to allow me to post 2-3 listings a day, for the next 2 weeks or so.

Screenshot 2024-06-19 173016.png

I decided to make a couple of documents to help keep track of how much I've picked the games up for.

Not only will this help me keep on top of profits/ losses, and help me make informed decisions in the future, when I have a better understanding of what sells, and what's worth picking up, and for what price, ideally.

This will also help with organising and paying taxes where needed.


I made this spreadsheet too, which kind of works in conjunction with the other one, and this is where I'll be able to mark out how much something was bought for, sold for, what the postage fee's were, and how much eBay's fee's were, and finally, what my net total was after all was said and done.

I'm looking forward to seeing how things go now that it's active and ready to go.

Mondays listings only became live on Tuesday morning, Tuesdays listings then went live in the afternoon, as did the ones today which I put up at 8 AM, which then went live at around 1/2 PM.

Because of those few hours of waiting, I'm not worried about selling some of this stuff, I seem to have had a few views so far, and even the ones I put up today have been seen a few times, so it's all good really.

The more stuff I have up, the more people will come across it, and potentially then see my other listings, also, I think the more views it gets, the more the items will be shown to buyers.

I'm not 100% sure how it all works, but so far so good.


HELL YEAH BROTHER! I am hoping to see this little side hustle work out super well for you!

Thanks so much dude, I'm hoping it will too! I've lowed the initial cost of items, to soften the blow of postage, and being flexible to accept a little lower if needed, should help out. Posting from Ireland is stupidly expensive sadly, so to do so I have to kind of take the hit here and there if I have a hope of shipping out.

Everything is set to registered, because I don't want to take the chance on being ripped off, even if it drives some potential buyers away.

Good luck with getting something like this started! Hopefully it steamrolls a bit and you can sustain doing it with some nice growth.

Too right, it's all about just getting used to it, and turning it into a habit. When I wake up in the mornings for the last 4 days, at around 7/8 o'clock, I put up a few listings, but what I might do when I get a chance is I'll have them set up and ready to go, and set them to publish at a certain time, which would be cool.

I'm doing something a little similar with photography. Selling stills and video to stock platforms like Shutterstock and Adobe Stock. A few sales so far, but yeah, gotta stick with it and realise it's a long game to play. The more you do it, the more chances of success.

Just make sure you fight the urge to get a bit lazy with it. I'm sure it'll lead to something with time.

It's all about having a routine, that's kind of how I keep motivation up, within the next two weeks, I'll have a good habit formed and then I'll keep at it.

That's amazing about the photo's, fairplay, it's great that there are so many ways now for people to earn from their crafts.

Nice work ! You'll find that about 75% of people who add you to their watch list are people thinking about selling something similar just doing a bit of market research.

But a good technique is that you can send personalised time-limited offers to people with a small discount which can help tip undecided buyers over the line into actually hitting the button. I have a feeling it's something you can automate , as well, although I've never done it so I have no idea how it's done !

Ahh that kind of makes sense to be honest, and I'd say the other 25% are keeping an eye on it to see if the price comes down; to be fair, I do the same thing on Facebook Marketplace, I just like to keep an eye on some stuff that I'd like to pick up at some stage soon.

I heard about running sales and stuff, but do the discount sales end up costing more in eBay fee's or something? I'm not exactly sure about a few things, so I'll need to keep researching.

All of my listings have a price I'd like, and then also a price set that I'd be willing to go to, so people do have the ability to make offers if they want, but what's handy is having the second number set as my lowest acceptable offer, so anything below won't be wasting my time.

Good question about the fees ! I'd say to check the Help page on fees specific to Ireland, because eBay charges slightly differently in each country (I suspect on a "what can we get away with here ?" basis).

But I don't think sending offers attracts extra fees, if anything you'll end up paying slightly less on the Final Value Fee. The big advantage is that you're proactively approaching someone who is already interested in the item and could be nudged into buying. What I'd suggest is send the offer at a price halfway between the initial price and the lowest you'd take because it goes some room to negotiate. But as always - experiment !


That’s an awesome step in the right direction man! Congrats! Another site you can try to sell things on, where we’ve had mild success is Mercari. I think it’s a decent site to use and I think their fee may be lower but I’m not sure.

These are good first steps though man! How are you shipping them, with bubble mailers? Those are a good way to ship sensitive things like a game.

Yeah man, it's a nice step forward. I'm going to start bundling up games to make the shipping a bit more reasonable, and also to get rid of more games in one go. But, only for games that are of the same franchise.

The shipping price is fairly expensive. It's going registered, and proof of delivery. €9.50 around Ireland, €12.50 to the UK and Europe, €16 to America, and €18 to Australia. They're sent in padded envelopes.

I'm thinking of lowering the shipping cost by €2 - €3 though, to encourage some sales. I actually try to keep my prices lower than average to enourage sales, but maybe raising the price by a bit, and lowering the postage would encourage sales. I'm not sure, at the moment I'm just testing the waters.

Yeah I hear you on the shipping but that’s the way to go. We do that for our stuff so somebody can’t try to claim it was lost or something if it takes a while. We have tracking numbers for all our stuff.

Do what you need to within reason for shipping but don’t sell your shirt so to speak! Gotta make money somewhere.