Gardening time and promigranite cultivation program for everyone..

in HiveGarden7 months ago


Then now time to surch a good place for three plants...Step 2.Place preparation.
The tree should be planted in a suitable place so that there is no habitat for any animals or insects.I have seen that there are many people who cannot enjoy the beauty of nature for any particular reason and for spending time in their office work they should fall asleep with a tired body when they get off at night and go into a depression when people go through this work. Some picnic spots and some beautiful places to travel for a few days so that they can get out of depression, it is necessary to make a small garden and plant some beautiful flowers in it where the daily task will be to get up in the morning to water the plants and take care of them. So I would like to say that you should always try to take some time out of the hundreds of things you spend on yourself to give yourself time and evoke your moments of joy, whether it's a beach or a bar. Or choose a great picnic spot or any place to visit that requires open air..


I took care of that tree when I was a child and now that tree is giving me fruits because it can be said that as much as you love nature beautifully, nature will love you and give you its results and gifts. love nature love trees for us these trees are alive and for trees we are alive without oxygen humans can't live without us plants can't live we give off carbon-dioxide trees take it in and classes give out oxygen we take it in like this Living in tradition we always love nature and be with nature otherwise if nature becomes terrible we all will go in favor of destruction.

Some facts about life diversity of pomegranate tree. What has helped me is that till this tree bears fruit, I try to follow all the instructions and warning bodies that I know from the text book and nurture the tree with such care and love that it is now bearing fruit and showing me the rewards of loving nature. good or bad

Pomegranate is a deciduous evergreen tree. The tree grows to 10 to 15 feet tall and the wood is pale yellow with small dark spots that are hard inside. The branches are rounded. The leaves are usually two to three inches long and narrow on both sides and the surface is shiny smooth. Pomegranate can be divided into two parts by flower. One type of plant produces only male flowers while the other has both male and female flowers. Pomegranate fruits are green when unripe and yellow and red when ripe. Inside the fruit are seed cells and the cells have a thin coat. Ripe fruits are pink and white in color. Generally, flowers ripen in May and fruits ripen in August-September. There are three types of pomegranate flavors namely, sweet, sour sweet and sour. The shape and taste of pomegranate varies from country to country. There is disagreement about the original birthplace of the pomegranate. Some people think that the origin of pomegranate is India, many people think that the origin of pomegranate is Iran.


Availability: Pomegranate is available in almost all districts of Bangladesh. Pomegranate is grown in different parts of the subcontinent including Bangladesh and in different countries of the world including Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran and Africa..

,,***Cultivation: Its seedlings are usually produced by small cuttings. Seedlings made from seeds are not of good quality. Grafting is usually done on one-year-old young shoots. Cutting plants bear fruit in 1–2 years and seed plants take 4–5 years to bear fruit.

Planting distance: Pomegranate seedlings should be planted at a distance of 12 to 15 feet.

Suitable Soil: Pomegranate grows in all types of soil. However, it does well in sandy, loamy and silty soils.

Seed collection: The seeds can be collected from the fruit when it ripens in the month of August-September.***



Flowers and fruits drop for various reasons such as during flowering or falling. Today we will discuss the causes and remedies for flower and fruit drop in pomegranate trees.

In case of excess water or severe lack of water: In this condition moderate amount of water should be given regularly. In case of heavy sun or drought: Water should be sprayed on the plants. If there is too much storm or rain.

In case of disease-insect attack: before and after fruiting, disease killers and insecticides should be applied.

In case of deficiency of nutrients: All types of chemical and organic fertilizers should be applied twice a year before and after monsoon according to the age of the plant.

If pollination is a problem.

Remedy by combining these factors can stop flower and fruit drop.



These fruits are actually red in color and the pits are also very large in size. Inside are the small seeds that turn red when ripe. When they are ready to eat, the upper part of the pomegranate i.e. the skin of the pomegranate is golden yellow or some pomegranates. There are red ones which are called currants





Thanks for everyone and special thanks for @canadian-coconut and @ocdb also thanks 👍
