Three varieties of mushrooms that you can't miss (¨FungiFriday¨)

in FungiFriday3 months ago
Como están mis amigos de esta maravillosa ¨FungiFridayCommunity¨:  Que alegría volver a encontrarnos nuevamente aquí, para acompañar la invitación que nos hace cada semana nuestro amigo @ewkaw a que participemos a través de nuestras fotografías de hongos en este maravilloso ¨FungiFridayContest¨:   Lo que más me atrae de participar en esta maravillosa iniciativa es la oportunidad de aprender y conocer

Source: Family Álbum

How are my friends from this wonderful ¨FungiFridayCommunity¨:  What a joy to meet you again here, to accompany the invitation that our friend @ewkaw makes us every week to participate through our photographs of mushrooms in this wonderful ¨FungiFridayContest¨:   What attracts me most to participate in this wonderful initiative is the opportunity to learn and get to know the beautiful species that exist in other parts of the world

Esta ha sido otra genial semana para salir a buscar hongos, después de los días fríos que estaba haciendo , ahora el clima es un poco más agradable y pudimos dar con tres hermosas especies de hongos que no lo vemos con tanta frecuencia como nos gustarías, la primera especie que hallamos se trata de una muy conocida, el ¨Coprinus¨ ¨atramentarius¨:  Como ven su ¨sombrero¨ es muy peculiar y hermoso, sus ¨branquias¨ son bien definas y limpias. Es genial haber dado con esta gran colonia y maravilloso poder compartir con ustedes

Source: Family Álbum

This has been another great week to go out and look for mushrooms, after the cold days we had, now the weather is a little nicer and we were able to find three beautiful species of mushrooms that we don't see as often as we would like, the first species we found is a well-known one, the ¨Coprinus¨ ¨atramentarius¨:  As you can see, its ¨hat¨ is very peculiar and beautiful, its ¨gills¨ are very defined and clean. It's great to have found this great colony and wonderful to be able to share it with you

Al dar con la segunda especie que encontramos en el predio no se imaginan la alegría que me causo, ya que es otra de esas especies que no se ven tan seguido en la ciudad- Se trata de un género de hongos conocido con el nombre de ¨Gymnopilus¨:  si bien hemos visto anteriormente este género de no, no así a la especie que lo identifica

Source: Family Álbum

When we found the second species that we found on the property, you can't imagine the joy it caused me, since it is another of those species that are not seen so often in the city. It is a genus of fungi known by the name of ¨Gymnopilus¨:  although we have seen this genus before, we have not seen the species that identifies it

Este género de hongos tiene una variedad muy amplia de especie, y por la forma y color del ¨sombrero¨ diría que se trata de una especie conocida como ¨Gymnopilus¨ ¨penetrans¨:  Lo que me gusta de este hongo son sus ¨branquias¨, y el vivo color de sus ¨tallos¨, me llama mucho la atención su tamaño, si bien es un poco fino y delgado, va muy bien con el tamaño del ¨sombrero¨

Source: Family Álbum

This genus of fungi has a very wide variety of species, and by the shape and color of the "hat" I would say that it is from a species known as ¨Gymnopilus¨ ¨penetrans¨:  What I like about this mushroom are its ¨gills¨, and the bright color of its ¨stems¨, its size really catches my attention, although it is a little thin and fine, it goes very well with the size of the ¨hat¨

Finalmente dimos con este hongo que debe ser el más conocido, y con el que nos encontramos con más frecuencia, aunque la última vez que lo vimos ha sido hace más de dos meses. Se lo conoce con el nombre de ¨Neolentinus¨lepideus¨:  es muy común verlos sobre troncos o ramas de árboles. Lo que me gusta es su apariencia y cada vez que los veo me invitan a llevarlos a casa para preparar una receta con ellos; tengo entendido que es comestible, pero hay que tener en cuanta donde se lo ha encontrado. Estas hermosas fotografías de las tres especies de hongos que hallamos las hicimos con una ¨nikoncoolpixb500¨.

Source: Family Álbum

We finally found this mushroom, which must be the best known, and the one we encounter most frequently, although the last time we saw it was more than two months ago. It is known by the name of ¨Neolentinus¨lepideus¨:  it is very common to see them on tree trunks or branches. What I like is their appearance and every time I see them I am invited to take them home to prepare a recipe with them; I understand that it is edible, but you have to take into account where it was found.


Source:  vimeo-free-videos


#Posh compartido en mis redes sociales

Wow the white mushroom in the first photo looks wonderful.

That's a beautiful variety of mushrooms
Thank you very much dear friend @revolverocelotyt have a great day

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Thank you dear friends

You today showed us some very beautiful types of mushrooms, of course I am also very interested in some of the fungal finds that you found.
Good shot guys.

I am very happy to know that you liked the mushrooms we found, dear friend @furkanmamplam
I take this opportunity to wish you a wonderful weekend

the mushrooms you shared all look nice and interesting, i am very entertained by the mushroom pictures, thank you for sharing♥️

I'm glad to know that you like the mushrooms I found, dear friend @riyat
Thank you very much for the support you give me

That first spotted one looks quite unique and exotic.

Yes, dear friend @sketch.and.jam, it is a beautiful mushroom to see, the combination of its cap is very exotic
Thank you very much for this pleasant visit
Have a great day

No puedo evitarlo... el primero se parece a un panqueque con dulce de leche, me encanta! Que especies más bonitas. Muchas gracias @jlufer!💗

son las cosas que me gustan de los hongo, que su apariencia esta sujeta a la persona que lo ve, a ti te parece un panqueque con dulce de leche, y a mi, me hace pensar en un pan de hambuerguesa con semillas de sesamo.

Muchas gracias por la compañia diaria
Que pases un maravilloso fin de semana querida amiga @avdesing

Es como el arte! cada cual ve algo distinto, es maravilloso!

tal cual, los hongos son arte de la naturaleza


I really like the three mushrooms you found, although my favorites are the "Gymnopilus" "penetrans"

You are so right, those little mushrooms are very beautiful, and the most striking.


Thank you very much dear friends @rutablockchain for the great support you give me
I wish you all a great day

Congratulations @jlufer! You received a sweet smile from TravelFeed. We love your work so keep up the good job. 😊

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Thank you very much dear friends @plantpoweronhive for the great support you give me
I wish you all a wonderful weekend

Que buenos hallazgos has tenido este viernes. Saludos y feliz fin de semana!

Buenas noches querida amiga @coquicoin
Esta ha sido otra genial semana de busqueda de hongos, dimos con variedades preciosas; el mundo de los hongos es realmente maravilloso
Muchas gracias por el gran apoyo que siempre me brindas
Que tengas una hermosa noche y un feliz descanso

Oh, the first one came out of the toaster on time. If they leave it a while longer it burns! hahahaha....

I see expertise here. You even eat them... oops!

It's true, that mushroom looks like a freshly baked hamburger bun.
We are always learning about this wonderful world of mushrooms
Thank you very much dear friend @nanixxx for this pleasant visit
Have a wonderful weekend

Very nice and interesting mushroom,I'm very interested in mushrooms like that Friend

How are you dear friend @jhonkiller?
This week has been a great week for mushrooms, we found some beautiful species.
Thank you very much for appreciating our mushroom photos