I prefer the WednesdayWalk to be in a place surrounded by nature (¨Es-Eng¨)

in Wednesday Walk3 months ago
Como están mis amigos de esta maravillosa ¨WednesdayWalkCommunity¨:  que alegría estar acompañando a nuestro amigo tattoodjay:  en su genial invitación que nos hace cada semana, a participar de esta excelente iniciativa que te permite compartir las fotografías del entorno de tus caminatas

Source: Family Álbum

How are my friends from this wonderful ¨WednesdayWalkCommunity¨:  what a joy to be accompanying our friend tattoodjay:  in his great invitation that he makes to us every week, to participate in this excellent initiative that allows you to share photographs of the surroundings of your walks

Hace algunos días recibí un inesperado llamado de unos de los hermanos de Mama, Beto es otro como yo apasionado de la naturaleza, y me invitaba a pasar el día en el campo de unos amigos, como en otras oportunidades me había invitado y no le pude acompañar, esta vez no me podía negar

Source: Family Álbum

A few days ago I received an unexpected call from one of Mama's brothers, Beto is another one like me who is passionate about nature, and he invited me to spend the day in the countryside of some friends, like On other occasions he had invited me and I could not accompany him, this time I could not refuse

Como saben cerca de casa tengo un hermoso predio natural, pero no se compara con la magnitud que tienen estos campos aquí en mi provincia, lo que hacía una oportunidad única de caminar en un lugar totalmente alejado de la ciudad internado en densa naturaleza. Caminar por lugares como estos no se pude describir en palabras, el silencio del monte es absoluto, lo único que hoyes es el crujir del viento y el canto de las aves

Source: Family Álbum

As you know, close to home I have a beautiful natural property, but it does not compare to the magnitude of these fields here in my province, which made it a unique opportunity to walk in a totally remote place of the city immersed in dense nature. Walking through places like these cannot be described in words, the silence of the mountain is absolute, the only thing you see today is the rustling of the wind and the singing of the birds

El viaje lo hicimos en automóvil, y estuvimos viajando un par de horas para llegar al lugar donde nos dirigíamos, lo cierto es que llegamos sobre el medio día, y los dueños de casa nos estaban esperando para almorzar. Esas son las cosas que tienen las personas que viven en el campo, siempre están felices de recibir visitas en sus hogares, y los atienden como si la visita se tratara personas de sus propias familias

Source: Family Álbum

We made the trip by car, and we were traveling for a couple of hours to get to the place where we were going, the truth is that we arrived around noon, and the owners of the house were waiting for us for lunch. Those are the things that people who live in the countryside have, they are always happy to receive visitors in their homes, and they serve them as if the visit were people from their own families

En el apuro de prepárame para estar listo antes de que mi tío estuviera en casa, se me olvido de cargar las baterías de mi cámara ¨nikoncoolpixb500¨ y por esa razón no pude fotografiar la hermosa caminata que hicimos en el campo de estas personas. No se si las aves sabían que no había llevado el dispositivo, pero lo cierto fue que vimos hermosas especies de aves que nunca antes había visto, por suerte tenía estas imágenes el álbum familiar. No se imaginan lo renovado que regrese del campo, una caminata por estos lugares abiertos cubiertos de vegetación no se compara con nada

Source: Family Álbum

In the rush to get ready before my uncle was home, I forgot to charge the batteries of my ¨nikoncoolpixb500¨ camera and for that reason I could not photograph the beautiful hike what we did in these people's fields. I don't know if the birds knew that I had not brought the device, but the truth was that we saw beautiful species of birds that I had never seen before, luckily the family album had these images. You can't imagine how refreshed you come back from the countryside, a walk through these open places covered in vegetation is unlike anything


Source:  vimeo-free-videos


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Concuerdo contigo, creo que un viaje al campo relaja y lo renueva a uno, y más si vives en la ciudad, de vez en cuando es bueno ese tipo de escapadas a la naturaleza. Gracias por compartir este bello paseo, el bosque es hermoso.

Si, fue genial visitar el campo, mas alla de pasar un dia agradable junto a la naturaleza, lo que mas me ha gustado es la forma de ser de las personas, nos han hecho sentir apreciados

Gracias a ti querida amiga @wendy23 por apreciar mis fotogarfias y esta caminata por el predio.

Que tengas un precioso dia

Very thick vegetation to enjoy a walk through, the birds most definitely knew you could not photograph them bringing you time to not worry about a camera, more enjoy the moment itself.


It's true, I felt free without the camera and I really enjoyed the pleasant natural environment.

Birds definitely know when you look at them, and they get restless when they see a strange device.

Thank you very much dear friend @joanstewart​ for the great support you always give me

May you enjoy a beautiful day

Walking quietly feeding in the beauty around one needs to do more often, strangely we tend to regret the odd bird we miss yet immerse ourselves more into nature without distraction.

Have a beautiful day as well!


$PIZZA slices delivered:
@joanstewart(1/10) tipped @jlufer

Thank you very much dear friend @palomap3. for the great support you give me
A big hug, and good health for the whole family

Your Wednesday walk helped me to forgive the flu for a bit, thanks to you for sharing!! ❤️🤗

For everything you say, I would have loved to visit that place. Your photographs of the reserve are beautiful

If it would have been nice for you to join us, you would undoubtedly like this field a lot.

Congratulations @jlufer! Your post brought a smile to the TravelFeed team so we have sent you a smiley. Keep up the good job. 🙂

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@for91days (TravelFeed team)

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Thank you very much dear friends @travelfeed for the kind support
I wish you all a beautiful day

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Thank you very much dear friend @hivepakistan for the great support you give me
I wish you all a splendid afternoon

No worries if you don't have your camera charged for the hike... The pictures from the album are still amazing and made your blog really fantastic.

Yes it is always good to have images saved for situations like these
Thank you very much dear friend @ahmedhayat for the great support you give me
have a beautiful afternoon

Me encantaron las flores en los árboles, son algo sorprendente y son florecitas muy hermosas. Gracias por esta caminata en la naturaleza @jlufer 💗

la verdad me han sorprendido esas plantas parasitos, es la primera vez que veo que tienen flores, y si que son preciosas
Gracias a ti querida amiga @ avdesing por la compañia ya poyo diario
que tengas una preciosa tarde

Siempre la naturaleza nos va a sorprender, cuando creemos que vimos todo ella nos confirmará que no es así. Es sabia. Que tengas también una hermosa tarde!

es verdad, la naturaleza es sabia, y nunca hemos visto de todo lo que es capaz

Debemos aprender de ella 💗

I'm so in love with nature too. There is something in nature that really makes me feel calm and at ease. I loved to see your photos, a walk with nature was indeed perfect.

How are you dear friend @maestralynlyn good afternoon
Thank you very much for appreciating my photographs, you are very kind

Spending time close to nature is rewarding
have a beautiful day

I believe the trip is totally worth it :) Going for a walk in the woods, seeing rare plants and stuff listening to the chirps of birds - simply priceless! Thank you for sharing your amazing walk❤️

It has been rewarding to visit the countryside and enjoy the wildlife.
A walk in the countryside is regenerative
Thank you very much for your kind words
Have a lovely day @ ifarmgirl dear friend

Your city has so many beautiful trees and flowers. I love them, @jlufer

This reserve is wonderful, there are many specimens of beautiful trees, and plants with very beautiful flowers
Have a beautiful day dear friend @naniplayergamer

 2 months ago Reveal Comment