Getting a decent shot has been a big challenge (¨Es-Eng¨)

in Feathered Friends4 months ago
Que genial volver a estar en esta maravillosa ¨Feathered FriendsCommunity¨ :  en compañía de mis amigos apasionados de las aves, un lugar donde las personas disfrutan y aprecian el esfuerzo que cada uno hace para obtener una hermosa toma de ave. Conseguir la fotografía para cumplir con la consigna de esta semana ha sido todo un desafío

Source: Family Álbum

How great to be back in this wonderful ¨Feathered FriendsCommunity¨ :  in the company of my friends who are passionate about birds, a place where people enjoy and appreciate the effort that each one makes to obtain a beautiful bird shot. Getting the photograph to fulfill this week's slogan has been quite a challenge

En realidad, no solo las tomas de la obra se han complicado, también me ha costado conseguir tomas decentes de aves. Mientras veía en el árbol del vecino en busca de una pequeña ave amarilla que hace algunas semanas nos están visitando, vi que una se posó en la copa de nuestro árbol de ¨paraíso¨, su tamaño pequeño le permitió enconderse entre las hojas amarillas de la planta, como no la podía encontrar hice algunos disparos deliberadamente para ver si la cámara lo tomaba, estaba en eso cuando vi una hermosa ¨garza¨ :  sobrevolar muy cerca de un bello ¨arco¨¨iris¨

Source: Family Álbum

Actually, not only have the shots of the work been complicated, I have also had a hard time getting decent shots of birds. While I was looking at the neighbor's tree in search of a small yellow bird that has been visiting us for a few weeks, I saw that one perched on the top of our "paradise" tree. Its small size allowed it to hide among the yellow leaves of the tree. plant, since I couldn't find it I deliberately took some shots to see if the camera would take it, I was in that process when I saw a beautiful ¨ heron:  fly very close to a beautiful “rainbow”

La toma que hice de la ¨garza¨ calmo mi frustración, o eso era lo que pensaba, dado que pronto al ver nuevamente a la pequeña ave en el árbol de vecino, y no poder hacer una toma decente de ella la frustración volvió. Son aves muy pequeñas y extremadamente inquita, que con el tipo de cámara que tenemos se nos complica fotografiarlas, solo un disparo permitió verla bien

Source: Family Álbum

The shot I took of the "heron" calmed my frustration, or that's what I thought, since soon when I saw the little bird in the neighbor's tree again, and couldn't do anything a decent shot of her the frustration returned. They are very small and extremely restless birds, which with the type of camera we have makes it difficult for us to photograph them, only one shot allowed us to see them well

Hasta el ¨pitogüé¨ : se hizo el difícil para que lo fotografiara, como al propósito se posó en lo alto dándome la espalda, solo cuando se cansó de su posición me dio la oportunidad de hacer una toma de uno de sus lados. Ni hablar de la frustración que sentí al ver la toma que hice a la ¨obra¨ de arte, este salió extremadamente oscura

Source: Family Álbum

Until ¨pitogüé¨ : se He played hard to get me to photograph him, as he purposely perched on top with his back to me, only when he got tired of his position did he give me the opportunity to take a shot of one of his sides. Not to mention the frustration I felt when I saw the shot I took of the "work" of art, it came out extremely dark

Nuestra amiga @nelinoeva tuvo la genial idea de continuar con la consigna de la semana pasada, si te perdiste y desconoce de que se trata, te invito a visitar el siguiente enlace del maravilloso ¨Show Me A Photo Contest¨:  Esta semana ha sido de esas muy complicadas, tuve muchos inconvenientes para reunir las fotografía para el concurso, sobre todo al hacer las tomas de esta hermosa obra de arte, en el lugar no se veía que la sombra obstruyera la imagen, pero al ver las fotografías en casa vimos que la sombra complicaba la toma, tuve que hacer muchas ediciones para lograr que quedara de esta manera. La obra representa a un hermoso ¨Benteveo¨:  aunque el artista decidió incorporar más colores del que tiene originalmente esta ave. Las tomas las hicimos con una ¨nikoncoolpixb500¨

Source: Family Álbum

Our friend @nelinoeva had the great idea of continuing with last week's slogan, if you got lost and don't know what it is about, I invite you to visit the following link of the wonderful ¨Show Me A Photo Contest¨:  This week has been one of those very complicated ones, I had many problems gathering the photographs for the contest, especially when taking shots of this beautiful work of art, in the place it was not visible that the shadow obstructed the image, but when I saw In the photographs at home we saw that the shadow complicated the shot, I had to do a lot of editing to get it to look this way. The work represents a beautiful ¨Benteveo¨:  although the artist decided to incorporate more colors than the one this bird originally has. We took the shots with a ¨nikoncoolpixb500¨


Source:  vimeo-free-videos


#Posh compartido en mis redes sociales

The great thing is you don't surrender.😊 The pictures are great despite the struggles you've encountered. 😊

Patience and perseverance is what one learns when photographing birds, many times you have to take many shots to get a decent one.
Thank you very much for your continued support dear friend.
Have a great day

True. Photographing birds is not good for an impulsive person. We cannot read the mind of birds. 😁

You're welcome. 😊 Thank you for sharing beautiful pictures too.😊

This yellow color heron is hard to capture but you did it!1 I appreciate your efforts seriously I cant take shots like this.

How are you dear friend @noorchaudhary thank you very much for appreciating my photographs, you are very kind

Your bird photos are very beautiful, my friend, I like that bird

Despite the difficulties, we achieved beautiful shots
Thank you very much dear friend @bananaklatbarat

You're welcome my friend @jlufer

your photographs of birds are beautiful, I love the work of benteveo

the work of the benteveo is beautiful, it is a shame that it has not ruined the shadow

Un espectáculo de aves! Y que belleza el mural, me encanta. Una gran toma la del ave volando cerca del arco iris, preciosa. Muchas gracias @jlufer, que tengas un hermoso día!😃

como estas querida amiga @avdesing buen dia
Finalmente hemos logrado algunas tomas preciosa, tambien me encanta la toma del arcoiris
Muchas gracias por el gran apoyo que me brindas
que pases un precioso dia

Muy muy buenas tomas, el día además estaba genial!

Awesome buddy birds are a great example of being free
Enjoy the day brother
Stay safe and well 😎

Made in Canva

- @benthomaswwd - Moderator

This post has been curated by the Alive And Thriving Team, we curate good content in the We Are Alive Tribe that is on topic for #aliveandthriving, and it's included in our daily curation report on @aliveandthriving, plus @youarealive is following our Curation Trail.

Good morning dear friend @benthomaswwd
thank you very much for the great support you give me
have a lovely weekend

Taking pictures of birds is the most difficult task and you have done it very well. :)
Sending Love and Ecency Vote!

Yes it has been a difficult day, but we finally had some good shots
Thank you very much dear friend @untilwelearn for appreciating and supporting my post

Buen día Luis. A pesar de lo revoltosos de estas aves, lograste tomar unas buenas fotos de ellos. Debe ser dificil capturar el momento justo en el que estan quietos, pero te quedaron muy bien las tomas. La del arcoiris me encantó ❤️. Te mando un saludo, que tengas un gran día 😃

Hola Laura como estas?
Ha sido un dia complicado para las tomas, pero con un poco de paciencia, hemos hecho algunas tomas pasables
Muchas gracias por el gran apoyo que siempre me brindas
Que tengas un feliz dia

Congratulations, your post has been curated by @dsc-r2cornell. You can use the tag #R2cornell. Also, find us on Discord

Manually curated by Blessed-girl


Felicitaciones, su publicación ha sido votada por @ dsc-r2cornell. Puedes usar el tag #R2cornell. También, nos puedes encontrar en Discord

I wholeheartedly appreciate the great support you always give me.
I wish you all a great day

Oh, it happens so often with me. Seeing the bird for a second and couldn't make a single shot, or what I have is too dark and no editing tool can help to make it look better.😀
The image of a heron and the rainbow is so beautiful.
I am glad you manage to edit the entry photo not to miss the week.

Hello dear friend @nelinoeva
This has been one of those tragic days.
Yes, luckily I was able to edit the image to be able to participate in the challenge.
Have a beautiful day

I am absolutely in awe with these bird photos. @jlufer I enjoyed them a lot!
Thank you for sharing it with us. Have a great day, my friend!

Thank you dear friend @bloghound for appreciating and enjoying our photographs
Have a beautiful day

Beautiful photos, I couldn't choose a favorite.
I wish you a happy weekend

Thank you very much dear friend @lupega for appreciating my photographs, you are very kind that you have a great day