The first work was made on one of the bases of cement that supports the entire structure of the bridge. This was done in memory of
¨Irupé Acevedo¨: A young woman who ¨died¨ due to a ¨medical¨ problem and had a great impact on the city. The work is simple, colorful and beautiful, you can see the "Irupé" flower and a beautiful "hummingbird", details of the work that the artist chose to represent this cause, with a moving message
La obra que escogí esta semana para que participe del desafío la encontramos en una hermosa zona de la ciudad llamada
¨punta- Arazaty¨: Este es un lugar emblemático de la ciudad, dado que aquí fue donde desembarcaron los indígenas al llegar a la ¨Corrientes¨. Claramente la obra es un homenaje a las comunidades indígenas
Source: Family Álbum
The work that I chose this week to participate in the challenge was found in a beautiful area of the city called
¨punta- Arazaty¨: This is an emblematic place in the city, since this is where the natives landed when they arrived at the ¨Currents¨. Clearly the work is a tribute to indigenous communities
No hay mucha información en la web sobre la obra, más que los nombres de las personas que lo hicieron y quedaron grabado en el mural. Ha sido maravilloso poder compartir con todos esta nueva obra que participa del
¨CCC's Street Art Contest¨: de
@digi-me. una obra preciosa cuyas fotografías las hicimos con nuestra cámara ¨nikoncoolpixb500¨
Source: Family Álbum
There is not much information on the web about the work, other than the names of the people who made it and were recorded on the mural. It has been wonderful to be able to share with everyone this new work that participates in the
¨CCC's Street Art Contest¨: by
@digi-me. A beautiful work whose photographs we took with our ¨nikoncoolpixb500¨ camera
Source: vimeo-free-videos