Hive Music Community || A Cover of "Seek ye first the kingdom of God" [Eng/Esp]

in Music5 months ago

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Hello friends of the music community, my name is @jesus-son and here I bring you an interpretation that inspired me and which I wish to share with you. I hope that you find it interesting and love it.

It's a cover of a song that I learnt from the church and which we sing mostly during the season of Easter and basically during the time for the reception of the Holy communion. Well, for those who are Christians, they would understand better.

This song is more or less a song of evangelisation in that apart from the fact that it has a sweet melody which can make one to be relaxed, it also has very inspirational lyrics which exhort. It exhorts the Christian heart to seek first the kingdom of God and every other thing shall be added unto him.

So what song am I describing here? It is titled Seek ye first the kingdom of God by maranatha music. What is the kingdom of God? And why must we seek the kingdom of God? For some this theme is nonsense and irrational because first of all for them, there is no God and thus, there is no kingdom of God.

Indeed, the idea of God is one concept that is highly disputed but then humans are humans, no matter the convictions, so many persons are already convinced of their belief and not ready to change. However, for me, the existence of God is not a topic of discussion because God really exists.

I need to seek the kingdom of God because as a human person, I am a transcendental being and that implies that after my death on earth, there is an after life which is guaranteed by how well I have lived here on earth.


The Scriptures encourage us to seek the kingdom of God first above all other things and every other things shall follow. This may seem hard to do but that is the rule of the game. For a better life, this is the way. I encourage us to give this a try and see the outcome.

This song speaks so much to my heart each time that I listen to it and I am glad to bring it to us here. Thanks so much for your time and support.

hola amigos de la comunidad musical, mi nombre es @jesus-son y aquí les traigo una interpretación que me inspiró y que deseo compartir con ustedes.
Espero que os resulte interesante y os guste.

es un cover de una canción que aprendí de la iglesia y que cantamos mayoritariamente durante la época de pascua y básicamente durante el tiempo de recepción de la sagrada comunión.
bueno, los que son cristianos entenderían mejor.

Este canto es más o menos un canto de evangelización porque aparte de que tiene una melodía dulce que puede hacer que uno se relaje, también tiene una letra muy inspiradora que exhorta.
Exhorta al corazón cristiano a buscar primero el reino de Dios y todo lo demás le será añadido.


Entonces, ¿qué canción estoy describiendo aquí?
se titula buscad primero el reino de Dios con música maranatha.
¿Qué es el reino de Dios?
¿Y por qué debemos buscar el reino de Dios?
para algunos este tema es una tontería e irracional porque, en primer lugar, para ellos no hay dios y, por tanto, no hay reino de dios.

de hecho, la idea de dios es un concepto muy controvertido, pero los humanos son humanos, sin importar las convicciones, por lo que muchas personas ya están convencidas de sus creencias y no están preparadas para cambiar.
sin embargo, para mí la existencia de dios no es un tema de discusión porque dios realmente existe.

Necesito buscar el reino de Dios porque como persona humana soy un ser trascendental y eso implica que después de mi muerte en la tierra, hay una vida después de la muerte que está garantizada por lo bien que he vivido aquí en la tierra.

Las Escrituras nos alientan a buscar el reino de Dios primero por encima de todas las demás cosas y todas las demás cosas seguirán.
Esto puede parecer difícil de hacer, pero es la regla del juego.
Para una vida mejor, este es el camino.
Nos animo a intentarlo y ver el resultado.

Esta canción le habla mucho a mi corazón cada vez que la escucho y me alegra traerla aquí.
Muchas gracias por su tiempo y apoyo.

▶️ 3Speak


Amazing Bro!... I love to sing this song in my language, especially when we are in church and with the family. Thank you for sharing it in the community with the great charisma that identifies you.

I am grateful that you found this interesting
Its been a while now I have not had contact with you
I hope all is well with you bro
Thanks so much for your support

Hermano que bonito escucharte! Dios nos ayude a buscar primero su reino! Aleluya 🎶🎶🎶🙌

Muchas gracias hermano

Hello friend, is necessary to get closer to God, in fact I love Christian songs that are faithful to the scriptures and this is one of them.
Beautiful song and your interpretation was very sweet.

Thanks so much @mirel0510
It pleases me that you enjoyed this
Have a great day

However, for me, the existence of God is not a topic of discussion because God really exists.

Yes, no matter what other people feel or think, saying God doesn't exist at all, so why seek the kingdom that doesn't exist too? I will definitely believe God exists.

Seeking the kingdom of God first is important for every Christian and believer who wants to please God. This song is amazing and I love how slow it is, it helps to grasp the lyrics and understand well.

I appreciate your contribution dear
And thanks too for coming around. Awesome dreemer

well done bro @jesus-son. This was a song i love so much many years ago and i like the way you presented it. Great message and Good luck on your entry.

I am.very much grateful for your comment
It's a pleasure that you found delight in my poor presentation, haha
Thanks bro

Speaking of faith I have so much faith in your singing, especially when it is devotional that I will first write this comment and vote before listening :)

Cheers from a fellow #dreemerforlife

I was right. @jesus-son this was a great devotional as it showed the confidence you have in your voice. I loved it. Cheers bro!

Thanks man @brijwhiz
Indeed I feel great to tell about my devotion
Very grateful for your feedback

Indeed, every indication around us points to the fact that there exist a supernatural overseer of our affairs. Life after death is very important to be pondered about. This would guide everyone to have the fear of God and end the journey well.


You have a great pointy friend, there are jndeed many indications to the existence of God.
Thanks for coming around

The song carries a great message to mankind. A lot of people will give various reasons why they do not believe in God but their claims are meaningless.
Seeking the kingdom of God should be a priority in our lives.

It's a beautiful song indeed
Thanks so much for coming around