in GEMS5 months ago

What happened to man?
God commanded you to till the land and subdue it,
Be a co-creator with him.
But alas, instead of being a good steward,
You have messed up everything, I mean everything.

When I turn to the right or left, I see commotion only.
Then I keep wondering who is going to fix this mess
since man has abandoned his duty assigned to him for his own course
Yet I see the same man crying and asking God questions;
“God why me, what is happening?”
Indeed man you are crazy!!!


In fact, the earlier you wake up from your slumber the better
I am sure God wouldn’t love to repeat the same statement
Which He made to our fore fathers that he regretted creating man.
Yet every moment, we push Him to the wall.
But His mercy has prevailed all the way
Thus, our continuous existence.

Who will cry for the mother earth?
Man has destroyed it in many ways
Sometimes I imagine the mother earth
Wishing if she can fight back or run away,
But unfortunately she can’t.
We are now faced with so many consequences of these events.

Who will cry for the trees in the forest?
Man has cut them all, causing deforestation:
Some species are no more
And man has got no time to plant more
Sometimes I imagine trees wishing if they had legs;
Surely, they would run for their dear lives
But unfortunately they don’t.

Who will cry for the animals in the forests, game parks?
For they have nowhere to lay their heads.
Man has striped the ground bear through his crocked activities.
And even the survivals cannot escape the traps for meat.
O man! What have you done?
So many animal species are no more
And all is due to your indiscriminate killing
What a pity!

Who will cry for the wetlands?
See the kind of wastes dumped into them;
Nylon, industrial wastes and chemicals.
Now pity the poor fish and other living organisms in the water.
Man is senseless
He keeps polluting the environment
Even though he shares in the consequences of its damage.
Landslides still remain the song of the day during the rainy season.
Why? Because of man’ activities on earth,
Who will cry for mother earth?

The earth hungered and thirsted for rain
But man fed it with innocent blood.
The blood of Deborah and the likes cry like that of Abel.
Who will console mother earth?
God says love your neighbor as yourself but man says, “lailai"
Man prefers to terrorize fellow man
Human trafficking, human sacrifice, kidnaps and other nasty activities
Have become his daily bread.
Man why did you become so cruel?
Mother earth cries.



The soil said okay here I am , fertile,
Come, till me and get plentiful of harvest
But man said “I can’t” and opted to baby sit his hands
And when hunger and poverty struck hard, he opted to steal...
Man, who bewitched you…? who will deliver you?
Mother earth cries.

The mother earth cries for the contaminated air;
Fumes from industries, vehicles... has destroyed the ozone layer
And air born diseases have resulted
Thus, karma is in action
The sun rays has become a taunt to man
And skin cancer has become our relatives
Who is to be blamed?
Mother earth cries!

O senseless man!
It is time for us to pull up our socks
And work hard to reverse the damages we have done.
Let us plant tress and not kill animals indiscriminately
Respect for human life should be upheld
Hard work should be our world slogan
And let love for man and nature lead


Lord God, we have sinned and acted contrary to your commandments but with your mercy and guidance, we can get back on our roots to mend what we ourselves have destroyed so that we can live in harmony with our God and mother earth. We ask all this through our Lord Jesus Christ Amen.

Thanks for reading this. It's been long I did some thinking and I decided to do so today with this.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


you say who will cry? We all will, all of us humankind? And when we cry it will already be too late :(

cheers from a fellow #dreemerforlife

Indeed it will be
We need to be cautious

I literally felt goosebumps whiles reading as an Environmentalist because in the affects all of us and not only those even did the pollution.


Yea, it's true
Men need to wake up and do the right thing

Thanks for reading dear

You’re welcome