Thinking here, this day...

in Reflections2 months ago


I will tell you an anecdote from my life that shook me up and made me start my life with a new purpose, today I enjoy it because I am a mature adult and who likes to reconcile, to avoid untimely, reckless actions.

Sucking stones, for being aware of the future that does not exist by the way, and developing manic-depressive traits, for being connected to the past, and charging me with anxiety, for being anticipating things and situations, to the future.

As a child and teenager I really enjoyed nature, because it was the everyday thing in my house, I saw it as normal, I was at that age when we are everything, and we are nothing, adolescence.

When I realized how privileged I was, I realized that I was already an adult reaching maturity, because I was open to new experiences and conscious, living in the present.

Life is today, and you have to live it with everything.

For a long time I was one of those who said "I have nothing to regret". Then, close to maturity, I realized that yes, there are expensive mistakes that have important consequences.

Because of my job, as a university teacher, I see a lot of people at different stages of their life and I can tell if they are immature, mature or wise (that's how I classify them in that sense).

For me, immature people are those who go through life without having their own criteria, governed under the structure of their parents, with feelings of guilt, for not meeting expectations and without having self-reflective awareness of their actions and what they produce to others.

I understand mature people as individuals who walk in peace with the uncertainty of having to be governed by their own criteria, who assume life with its challenges, who become aware of their actions and understand that they cannot walk through life without understanding how important self-reflection is, and the responsibility for their actions.

They are very independent, and self-sufficient, they live by their own rules, they do not victimize themselves to anything, and they have absolute awareness to themselves and others.

I understand wise people as people who move away from passions, who understand the power of slowing down, of understanding processes and understanding differences.

They are people little given to getting into conflicts that they cannot solve, and they give priority to peace, self-awareness, understanding and understanding, they love to reconcile reckless actions.

Sometimes all these stages between maturity, immaturity, wisdom walk together and intermingle, and they are also at crossroads, giving priority to important transitions where one stage is going to accommodate the other, it is a sometimes virtuous and other times inadmissible circle.

I remember, for example, when I was studying at the university I went around without paying attention to the professors.

Then as I grew up and matured I realized that I had very wise people in front of me and I didn't get enough out of them, I didn't give value to things because I didn't know their value.

So if you want to mature and get on the way to being wise, no matter how old you are, you will have to understand that you cannot walk through life without assuming your mistakes and above all, without the self-reflection that apologizing, correcting and amending the path implies.

Today is a struggle, so much information, so much distraction, and the worst thing about this that I write is that life goes by there, and many times without really enjoying it.

We are in very individualistic times, of a lot of self-absorption. Emotional maturity helps us to sharpen our senses and make better decisions.

That's what I was coming to tell you. If one is overcoming any of these stages of immaturity, it is best not to start chatting with the stage. Because we become addicted to drama by jumping from one relationship to another, from one situation to another.

Other times we don't learn it through someone else's mouth, but until it happens to us, do you think we need to live the opposite to learn to value? Let's talk in comments.


Separator made with Canva by @janitzearratia

Any images in this post are taken with my iPhone 12, the Infinix pro-note 30 or with the camera eighties Rolleiflex 2.8 f, and edited by me with Canva

Translation with |DeepL


It was a pleasure to read it, my friend, I was speechless, what I can see is that you are very knowledgeable.

And I also believe that I have not enjoyed life enough, but I still have life ahead of me with God's favor.

Hello @leidimarc , really when you have already lived several decades with many ups and downs in my sense and purpose of life, this spider's web of learning is being woven just the do it by being every day the best version for your life, for your beloved daughters and husband.

Hugs 🫂🌹