Of course I do @iarmgirl, she is my life sister my friend Janet, she will forever be available.
"We" have gone through disappointment, absurdity, confusion, sadness, frustration, hope, joy, and faith...and we move forward in our lives, doing the best for our families, for ourselves and even in the forced stops of our roads always go forward, motivated.
I celebrate in our relationship that for more than 40 years we have, "We". I honor our friendship, the one that makes us family.
Janet has always been my guide and reference for me.To have the happiness of being related in interests and passions in our special friendship relationship, is prosperity.
My friend has been and is a lovely life partner, aunt of my children. Thank you so much and for everything Janet. The love we have for each other and respect are a great ally in our friendship, and that has made us grow together.
We were study companions in elementary and high school, and in university we took different paths of professionalization, but we never stopped being accomplice souls from the deepest nakedness, that mutual haven of consolation, shelter and care in the hard, difficult, adverse moments and in the good times too.
That life has given me such a special friend, companion on the way, comrades, sisters, colleagues, accomplice, angel of light with whom I have grown up, cried, run, distressed, traveled, is "prosperity".
Prosperity is having made our dream come true.
Last night, we met at my house and had a few hours of autonomous study of neuroscience where we studied the relationship between breath, heart and brain is part of our update to continue advancing in the transits of life, those that can overshadow our gaze, necessary for happiness, integral health and good fortune.
When my soul has felt broken, the waters rise and the skies become cloudy, then the magic of our bond me...
Separator made with [Canva]( https://www.canva.com /) by @janitzearratia
Any images in this post are taken with my iPhone 12, the Infinix pro-note 30 or with the camera eighties Rolleiflex 2.8 f, and edited with [Canva]( https://www.canva.com /)
Translation with |DeepL