In my vision of life and ...

in Reflections3 days ago

After hitting rock bottom the only thing that has remained for me is to climb up and go forward and I say that with propriety.

Today I join a big hug for all of you who read me, to all those resilient souls who with courage and love transform our lives. It is to advance in spite of everything, and to advance is to really live.

Since my husband suffered the heart attack, on August 18, everything has been upside down, how much pain I have felt, I have been devastated, but it is also amazing how everything has been channeled for the good of my husband's coronary health, I have stayed active, I have sought help, support to move towards the goal "open heart triple bypass surgery", on hold (we are gathering the money) I do not have the figure of 25,000 Bs to continue forward, for now. I think asking for help without dramatizing the cause has been key for us as a family.

Things will get better, no matter how difficult everything gets in the way, the horizon always clears, I know that my husband is going to overcome the unspeakable, to have hope, despite the adversities that we are facing.

Why? Because life will always be a contingency, we go through storms and climb wuthering heights, but the change is in how we decide to go through them.

There is always a tomorrow. Let us seek the happiness of life, despite its storms.

It is we who decide what to do with everything that happens to us because without a doubt we are made to be happy and we are images and likenesses of God who is love.

It's like that, mind, body and spirit in perfect harmony. Taking care of ourselves in an integral way helps us to live from a vision of hope and resilience.

There are always ways to solve. Asking for help is one of the most intelligent acts we can do when we are looking for the solution by ourselves and we don't find it.

Learning from the experiences of others and knowing that no one is exempt from something like this and leaves us with great learnings. It's up to us to learn to dance in the rain, wipe our tears and move on.

The whole world suffers from a social mental health problem and many of us go through this.

Today, I focus my gaze on the goal (saving my husband's life) and not on what we have lost as a couple, as a family. This experience makes me reflect on something fundamental: everything gets better with time, it just depends on how we decide to see the path.

I wish for everyone, Hivians: courage, willpower, yes you can, love for everyone who is feeling bad about any situation right now. Let us seek the happiness of life in spite of its storms.

Janitze 🫂

Separator made with Canva by @janitzearratia

Any images in this post are taken with my iPhone 12, the Infinix pro-note 30 or with the camera eighties Rolleiflex 2.8 f, and edited by me with Canva

Translation with |DeepL


Thanksss You so much 🦋@bhattg

!giphy welcome

via Inbox


Has sido muy fuerte amiga y su esposo también. Dios está con ustedes y ya verán que esa operación se la van a lograr hacer.

Hay que ser muy valiente, para pasar lo que usted y seguir dedicando estas valiosas líneas en su blog.

Dios les bendiga 🤗

Thank you for your loving words, really in this last report, the scholar writes, that if not operated soon, sudden death may occur. So you don't imagine how my soul is. I trust that there is always a bright sun that illuminates our day full of strength, faith and hope 🥹 @leidimarc

Ay Dios quiero nada peor pase amiga bella. Fuerza y fe, que si se puede.

Mente positiva, ya las acciones las están haciendo, ya veras que si se logra esa operación a tiempo.


Love, @leidimarc


$PIZZA slices delivered:
@bhattg(4/15) tipped @janitzearratia

Thankssss You so much 💜