I see you coming, anxiety ...

in Reflectionslast month

I want to tell you that when we have a dream, a goal, an objective, there will be no shortage of people who stand in our way.

The mind is restless, it has no peace, you can't stay even ten minutes still, quiet in one place, or get up to eat something, it's like having a kind of craving but you don't know what, you want to be alone, you succeed but you can't find it either, you feel comfortable, you think and think, you hold your head, we get desperate, and we want to stop thinking, it's almost impossible, we even feel angry, we try to do exercises but it annoys us.

You are such a hateful "Anxiety" that you are already a part of my life...

And if we manage to do it, we relieve ourselves a little, but after two hours we are the same again, and when you go to bed to sleep for a while you don't fall asleep either...

It is an indisputable fact of life: no path to success is flat, it is straight, there will always be stumbles, obstacles, detours.

And, in this sense, on our route we will always meet people who do not want us to arrive, who will always look for ways to discourage, demotivate, and make us desist.

What's left for us? Well, to be clear that not every dream comes true, but without dreaming, nothing is achieved.

Leave behind those who want to get in the way.

To overcome any obstacle we encounter, understanding that slowing down or slowing down does not mean abandoning our goal. It's time to shake off those people, maluca, with low feelings, and move on.What a mess with you anxiety.

From now on I do not struggle explaining to people who are NOT interested in knowing, what it feels or suffers when we have an anxiety disorder. What I do when I'm anxious is to get away from them while I recover and look for people who are really into it, that is, those who are interested in understanding and helping.

It is there where motivation and resistance make the personality of each of us, so as not to go to the extreme pole in this stage of uncertainty, and that we manage to recognize the learned hopelessness, and in turn, our intense emotions such as frustration, hopelessness, fear and anxiety, and our actions move us towards hope, faith and freedom.

Let's learn to listen to the voices of the people who encourage us, support us, propose solutions and alternatives, or give us constructive criticism because they believe in you, and far from stopping your dream, it drives you to move forward and achieve it.

When I'm really anxious, I drain, I stay calm, but I don't make decisions if I'm frustrated, angry and full of rage, sad and hopeless.And although there will always be people who criticize us, hate us, want to throw stones at us in our way, the important thing is what you think about yourself.


I am totally convinced that the intelligent person sees futures of opportunity and does not stay crying because someone told him that he would not make it.

And when I am calmer, new ideas and thoughts arise, which allow me to build a path to my full mental peace. Nothing is perfect, nor does it last forever.

From one of my favorite places in my house (photo), let's never stop dreaming! Dreams come true because they work.


Separator made with Canva by @janitzearratia

Any images in this post are taken with my iPhone 12, the Infinix pro-note 30 or with the camera eighties Rolleiflex 2.8 f, and edited by me with Canva

Translation with |DeepL


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