Loving the children is ...

in Reflections12 days ago (edited)

Also teach how to earn respect, success and life.

In my vision of life, and of things, I didn't give my children everything on a silver platter from a very young age, because my husband and I felt that if we made everything easier for them we could condemn them to an empty and purposeless existence.

So before we gave them the world we made sure they knew what it cost what they wanted and wished they had.

Children need to learn to struggle, to fail, to make mistakes and to get up, because that is the essence of vida.Es it is essential to understand that true love is not about pleasing every whim, but about teaching them that things are worth it, when they are earned.

I say this from experience "if you want to raise someone who values nothing, just give them everything, without asking them for any effort".

You know, these days I was talking to my comadre Susana about the maintenance given by Gabriel, the father of her only son, my godson, who by the way is already a young adult, and how that son refuses to work, to produce his own money, to strive to achieve his own goals.

And I think the real problem is having given him everything he wanted, all the time, without teaching him from a young age that things have to be earned. I will never get tired of saying that educating children for life is knowing how to set limits and teach them tolerance for frustration. Because if we give them everything they ask for, we sign it wrong and educate wrongly.

On the other hand, I have a good example of work, effort and tenacity in my neighbor's son Jesús David's name, he is 12 years old and his maternal grandmother gave him a gift money on his birthday, his mom made him buy a refrigerator with that money and buy ice cream to sell, he earns (out of costs) about $ 20 a week, he likes to earn his own money and now he takes out 2 dogs to relieve themselves every day, that's why they pay him $ 10 a week, he is 12 years old and he is already learning to manage a small weekly budget , and already wants to invest in something else.

Of course, my neighbor tells me that the opinions of her family and environment tell her that what she wants is to make him mature very soon, because I think that she (her mom) is giving him a good gift of life, which will be his reflection in his adult life. In fact, I recommended to my neighbor to buy and read the book "Rich dad, Poor dad".

I'm sure my neighbor is raising a future successful man and to cover her ears because she turns a deaf ear to foolish and envious words are always present.

I also told my neighbor that she will not listen to the community of this condominium where I also live, because society simply repeats like parrots patterns at her convenience.

If a 12-year-old child can already be a criminal at that age and not go to school, why can't he be an enterprising child? Without a doubt your son is still working and studying, he will be in the not too distant future a good man, who will look for even progress in the face of adversity by working, as it should be.

My reflection is that it will always be the best...

To raise children who, in the present and in the future, are functional, happy, autonomous, useful for themselves and for society.


Separator made with Canva by @janitzearratia

Any images in this post are taken with my iPhone 12, the Infinix pro-note 30 or with the camera eighties Rolleiflex 2.8 f, and edited by me with Canva

Translation with |DeepL


Sending love and curation Ecency vote. keep giving the best♥️

Thankssss You so much, for sending to My post love ánd curation Ecency Vote🌹