#Wednesday Walk - Admiring Two Beautiful Avenues of Trees in the Upper Highway Area of Durban.

in Wednesday Walk7 months ago

This post is for the #wednesdaywalk challenge and the #makemesmile challenge collaboration. This collaboration initially took place once a month, but due to its popularity, @tattoodjay (of the #wednesdaywalk) and @elizacheng (of #makemesmile) decided to make it a weekly thing.

If you want to know more about the rules, visit this week's post by @tattoodjay where you will find all the rules at the bottom of his post after you've enjoyed his beautiful photos from his walk.

I am currently building a portfolio/album of photos of trees. Maybe I can work on a post or a project in the future to highlight the beauty of trees.

Last Thursday I had to attend a meeting during the afternoon, and after the meeting, I would fetch my wife from work.

I finished early and had enough time to go for a walk before fetching my wife.

On the way to my wife's office, I decided to stop in Old Main Road, Kloof, where I knew I would get some nice shots of an avenue of trees.

Kloof is situated in the Upper Highway area, west of Durban on the East Coast of South Africa.

Until about two years ago, we lived in this area and we traveled on this road almost daily. But irrespective of how often I drive here, I still enjoy the scenery created by these trees.

In my first photo, I pulled over at the side of the road and took this photo of the road with some oncoming traffic. The walkway which I would be using to go for my walk, is visible to the left in the shadows of the trees.


More oncoming traffic from the opposite side.


I locked the car, and here is the walkway I used to go for a walk alongside the road, while in the shadow of these beautiful trees.


Returning to my car, walking back in the opposite direction.


Back at my car, I still had some time and decided to make another stop at Winston Park, a little further west of Kloof.

I love driving through this avenue along the main road through Winston Park, a residential area south of Hillcrest CBD.


The walkway along this road.


From time to time, when there was a quiet moment with no oncoming traffic, I slightly stepped out of the walkway to admire the avenue of trees alongside the road and to take some photos.

My last photo for this post was one such moment.


When I got back to the car it was time to fetch my wife.

Thank you for reading my post! I do appreciate it!


Walking or driving an avenue of trees always refreshing one feels nature close to hand.

During Summer months it is a blessing to have trees cover the road shading everything below.


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It is absolutely a refreshing experience! I do agree! And yes, during the summer months, the shade is a blessing indeed. I would like to go back during autumn and winter as well to take some more photos when these trees are shedding their leaves though. That is another scenario altogether, yet also beautiful.


@joanstewart! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @ jacoalberts. (1/10)

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Not sure what trees are in the region might even have the Autumn colours come through up there.


That's exactly what I would like to capture when the time comes...the Autumn colours.

These are pictures of a really beautiful place. Thanks for sharing!

I have picked this post on behalf of the @OurPick project! Check out our Reading Suggestions posts! Comment Footer.jpg Please consider voting for our Liotes HIVE Witness. Thank you!

Thank you for your feedback, @achim03, and for picking my post on behalf of the @OurPick project! I do appreciate it!

Nature is a one of the subject that always turns out beautiful to capture!

Love those photos especially the second one.

I agree with 100%! Nature never disappoints you! Thank you for your feedback, @lhes! I do appreciate it!

Good morning dear friend @jacoalberts how are you?
What a great idea to document the trees, and what a beautiful place you visited to take these beautiful shots. I love when the treetops come together, making a natural corridor under them.

What a beautiful place you visited for this Wednesday walk.

Have a great morning

Good morning, @jlufer! I am well, thank you for asking! How are you?

I'm glad you like the idea of documenting the trees. I am working on ideas for three similar projects which I will more about as time comes😉👍.

I also love it when the treetops come together to form that corridor! It's amazing!

Thanks for stopping by and you must have a great day!

as I look out the window here and the groundis covered with ice and snow I found following you on your walk so refreshign with everything so green there

Thanks for joining the Wednesday Walk :)
Have a great day :)

I believe you! To me, your photos of the snow are absolutely beautiful, but also being someone who doesn't like cold weather, I can imagine that you reach a point where you've had enough...beautiful or not...lol.

Thanks for stopping by, @tattoodjay!

Manually curated by ewkaw from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!

Thank you, @ewkaw and @qurator Team, for your kind words and for manually curating my post! I do appreciate it!

My pleasure! :)