Is Abraham Lincoln Satan? In Which God Do We Trust?

in Informationwar11 months ago (edited)

In my previous post, I noted that the early version of the $5.00 does not have the phrase "In God We Trust" which appears in later versions of this note. Considering what I know about the Lincoln Memorial and the very large statue of Lincoln inside, I'm not really comfortable with the implications of this phrase on this note.

In Which God Do We Trust?

The image of the Lincoln Memorial, with the phrase "In God We Trust" is a bit alarming, understanding that the memorial building is more than a memorial building. It is called a TEMPLE and Lincoln is sitting on a throne in the Temple.

Who saved the Union? Who is in the hearts of the people?


This is somewhat reminiscent of Zeus sitting on his throne in his Temple. Not identical, but the similarities are not easy to overlook.

This is the same Zeus whom 1st Century Christians called "Satan", as his throne (that is his Temple) was in Pergamon.

Is Abraham Lincoln Satan????

Is Abraham Lincoln Satan? No not at all.

But using his reputation, image and likeness to erect a Temple, a throne and a giant idol, we have to wonder at some point... are we still talking about Abraham Lincoln here? Is he perhaps symbolizing a different entity entirely? A pagan deity?

Not So Subliminal Messaging

In a somewhat obscure short film from the 1960's, there is a very peculiar attribute that is very easy to miss. It's plays the national anthem with patriotic images such as the Statue of Liberty and Abraham Lincoln with the lyrics scrolled on the bottom. As the national anthem plays, text at the bottom appears and disappears with the lyrics. While scrolling, the attentive viewer can see letters appearing in the transition.

An early example of messing with the subliminal minds of civilians.

The first set of lyrics "By the dawn's early light" transitions with "Trust the government". Then appears the text "What so proudly we hail'd" and when it transitions we can read "God is real God is watching" over the image of Abraham Lincoln.

The transitions have subliminal texts that read:

"Trust the US government"
"God is real God is watching"
"Believe in government God"
"Rebellion will not be tolerated'"
"Obey consume obey consume"
"Buy Ultra Buy Naomi" (???)
"Worship consume obey believe"

You have to see the original recording for yourself to see the nefarious '60's messaging for sleepy (alpha wave) citizens as the channel is going off for the night.

We Must Be Careful in WHICH God We Trust

The real God has a name, the real God has unique attributes. He is not enshrined in Temples, He is not in the form of an image, He is not a "patriot", He is not "science". If someone wants to know what God we should trust, learn about the one whom Jesus calls His Father, the one who made Himself known at Mount Sinai, the one who fight against the wicked on the day of judgment after they gather at Har Maggido "Armageddon".

Beware of the false god(s) of this world.

Do not trust the "consumer" god of the US government. The god enshrined in the image of Abraham Lincoln. The god symbolized by the bald eagle (the forth beast). The god of fiat currency.

The real God is about to bring judgement against this false deity, on whom our entire economy relies upon. How can we trust "NOTES" with nothing backing them? How can we trust dusty statues in marble buildings? Images of eagles, or harkening back to the Greek and Roman pantheon?


We assume that the singular "GOD" mentioned on our currency "In God We Trust" must be speaking of the montheistic God of Abraham. In most people's minds (including my own) it was unthinkable that the GOD in "IN GOD WE TRUST" might be anything but the Judaeo-Christian God of Abraham and Isaac and Jacob - the Biblical God.

It couldn't possibly be referencing the Pagan Greek/Roman Pantheon. It says GOD singular, not GODS plural.

But the image in the dome of the US Capital building reveals the truth for those who can see it.

E PLURIBUS UNIM or "Of many, one."

Of many what? What are we looking at? Many deities floating on clouds celebrating their divine attributes. They are lifting a banner proclaiming "Of many, one." They are proclaiming a message for those who can see it:

Of many gods, one god. In god we trust.


Benjamin Turner: God fearer. Rooted in Messiah. Husband of @lturner. Father of SIX wonderful children. The guy behind the camera. Blockchain enthusiast.

Bless the Most High!


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Extremely intriguing read. I have not yet watched the videos but would like to talk about some things I have come across in my religious studies. I find Christianity to be a fascinating topic with SO many different interpretations. There was a video I watched sometime this year similar to

but I can not seem to find it now. If I do I will post it here. I would like to know your take on this.


is the video I was looking for.

Thanks for your comment and finding these videos. I'll watch them when I have the time.

I am familiar with Marcion's ancient heresy, whose doctrine divorces the "New Testament" God from the "Old Testament" God, teaching that the God whom Jesus called "Father" is a different deity than the God of Creation and the Flood and of Exodus etc. This doctrine relied on selective editing of the scriptures, erasing 3 of the 4 gospels and most of the letters, except select letters of Saint Paul. I have a copy of Marcion's edited bible. My personal belief is that Marcion's ancient heresy was allowed by the Most High for His purpose as it was prophesied by both Paul and Peter. The ghost of Marcion still resides in many modern Churches today.

Anyway, I won't comment any more until I've watched the videos, I don't want to presume I already know what's in them.

I would like to know your take on this.

I made it through the first video. Quite a bit to say about it:

According to this doctrine, I'm a devil worshiper.

Watched the second video, wow this is a perspective that is beyond reason. It would be fascinating investigating this further, but I think I understand better how the Jewish sect of "the way" became a new religion in the hands of the Gentiles. The story was re-framed into a "New God" story, similar to what we read in the Pagan religions. I've read some gnostic writings (they are weird) and they follow along this same line of thinking. A replacement God.

This line of thinking is very much like the Roman Pantheon, making "out of many, one" singular God whom Abraham never interacted with. That God who is sanctioned by the US government, who requires full submission and obedience. Maybe one of the "ascended masters" of theosophy, which I believe will be the anti-christ whom Jesus will destroy with the word of His mouth.

This has inspired me to do a phrase search in the gospels for "My Father" to see if it really is similar or disimilar to the God of Creation, the flood, the Exodus, etc.

Thanks again.