It's unbelievable that the 60th season of Splinterlands ended yesterday. I started playing the game at first. Then I stopped believing in it. But I came back to the game again.
I haven't played in six months. And that six months shows. I missed the train. At least that's what they say in my country. Before my hiatus, I was routinely reaching the Golden League. Now I'm happy to reach the Silver League.
Why am I writing to myself? At the end of the 61st season, I'll read this text and see if my plans worked out or not.
So I ended up in the Silver League I this season. I earned glints on 4 epic cards. What can I do better?
I can play more. I've barely played half the rounds now. I learn something every season. Maybe I can make 5 epic cards this season. I'm under no illusions that I can make it to the Golden League.
I play for two accounts. My son has stopped enjoying the game. I withdrew everything of value from his account that I could transfer to myself. I play a few rounds now and then. With this account, I'd probably get into at least Silver III. There are some interesting non-transferable cards in there.
But I have a problem playing moves on one account. It's even more difficult for me on two.
I'm definitely curious to see how this season turns out for me.