What goes around comes around, how we live today affects us tomorrow -183

in Ladies of Hive3 months ago (edited)

Training up a child in the way he/she should go isn't supposed to be a big deal for parents have time to spend with their children and know how they're doing academically, morally, physically, mentally and emotionally but the question is will he/she remain in that way?

The saying that those who live in glass house shouldn't throw stone but most people forget paying attention to it believing it's just saying.

What goes around comes around, most teach their children not to greet elderly ones or even run errands for them forgetting that if the treat that human bad today, tomorrow might be your turn. Where their rudeness stop at the person it starts from you. Most decision parents thinking it favors them while training their children ends us turning against them.

The above pictures are the last pictures taken in a sad moment. A family member who turned out to be the grandmother from my partnal has been in a sick bed that she doesn't move around, she sits in a particular place supporting herself with a third leg. This is a woman with 2 daughters and 2 daughters in-laws, unfortunately the are nowhere to be found. She goes through the pains alone except for the support of the husband. I mean it is at this point that the children that have been born, raised and trained are needed but none has been close because the saw her abandoned her own mother on sick bed until the mother's death.

It's only grace that can make this children of her's come around to know how to help her and her welfare. This made the husband cried out bitterly.

Knowing what we do and how we treat people, whom so ever it may be in the presents of the children should be seen as a vital issue.


It is quite disheartening to see young generation abandoning their parents in their elderly life. Children treat their parents as a burden while forgetting that the time passes pretty quickly and we will be at the place of our parents in the future

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It's unfortunate, and this might not come to an end, as it passes from generation to another.



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How sad for such an attitude to neglect our parents that way @iamchimary 🙁

This is so disheartening
Abandoning someone of that age isn't nice...
I hope grace speak on their behalf and bring them back

It sure is disheartening when you see or hear situations like that. Elder people deserve to be cared for and get respect ❤️ and like you said it is important to teach our children to respect and help others. Treat others as you like to be treated is a saying my grandparents always lived by and me to.

Thank you for sharing and have a wonderful weekend. Cheers 🌺