I guess the problem is that these are often small teams, even single persons and they dont have the full backing and design, etc of the larger games companies. However, I do share your frustrations, and just to name a few:
- Odd customer/player support that feels very dictatorial,
- One team talking about a game for a couple of years now that havent actually launched a game, but taken a lot of peoples money for NFTs that will be 'used in the game',
- Poor instructions like you have said such that the game is unplayable. I'm currently seeing this in a number of instances. It would be fine if the games were intuitive - but they are not,
On the positive side its refreshing to see the number of games in development at the moment, and some of the ones we have are working well and do have great support, etc. As more come online I guess some of the less well developed ones will fall by the wayside because the players will simply have more choice.