I'm not sure how much control anyone can actually apply to their lives, in a general sense, but we're all able to influence our thoughts and attitudes which will ultimately dictate our actions and that's a reasonable way to proceed I think.
You mention some things that you have around you; the glaringly obvious omissions are, latest iPhone, Mimco handbag, palatial house purchased on credit with a steam of online purchases (also on credit) arriving at the door. What I mean, is that you don't list material items, just some of the basic things...and the most valuable things.
People seem to have forgotten what is important in life, or have been brainwashed into swapping them out for the unimportant thinking they're better off for it, that their lives are better. I disagree though.
Happy moments, you said...creating them in life, more often, will lead to a better life, more fulfilling, enjoyable and complete.
Just my opinion of course, but what do I know huh?