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RE: PowerUp 💪 May - I ask you, what is Hive for you?

in #hpud8 months ago

You have the pools too, don't forget about it. I just put back the tokens from your purchases into them respectively, to help with liquidity.

Let me know when/if you have any questions about what I am trying to do here...

Thanks for the purchases and best of luck for the chances! !PGM


Pools? I haven't had the chance to look at it properly from a computer yet, but would appreciate if you could elaborate it.
I just bought the NFTs because it sounds nice with extra winnings 😆

Right, here I go! Love these questions... thanks for asking.

So, in HE, you have the normal tokens markets, which by default pair with SWAP.HIVE right?... and that's the default for everyone that creates a token. You have a couple of UI's, like there: (customizable link from a clone of the HE UI, from the creator of the game)

Then because HE has also contracts capability, we have the so called Diesel Pools (or liquidity pools) where I created a few posts to enable people to get a quick overview (let me know any feedback): (internally you have 3 posts).

So, basically, here you have 2 pools that can help with acquiring the MEME or LIST token (and using the beeswap UI, these will be links):

These are not market trades, and happen instantaneously. Usually at better prices than the market.

In another insight, pools can also have pairs between tokens that are not listed on the market... for example, I could make ATX pair with BEER for example... and that would make another tradable token relationship that does not directly tie to SWAP.HIVE.

Any other questions, happy to help! And welcome to the incentive learning curve...

!BEER and !PIZZA (or !WINE if you prefer) 😝

This is great! Will be checking the post(s) soon, probably tomorrow.

I have long been thinking about doing an interface that allow for easy pool creation/addition for standard users. I just haven't had the time (or energy, to be honest) to take a proper dive into it.

Let me know if you go ahead with this, would definably be interested on supporting you with any technical input you may need. Creation of pools is not a very "regular" thing because it costs BEE (1000), so it might be a not as regular UI option people would use. But having another one is something that is quite attractive, given the current only one I know is:

More into HE at

Imagine doing an interface where the 1k BEE fee would not apply when creating liquidity pools to existing tokens.
That is probably not possible, but it would create so many new pairs, and HE would suddenly be attractive to other DEXs too

Well, that would need to be compensated somehow, because that would mean the DB will grow potentially much quicker, and then would create a bigger cost problem for node operators in general.

But, I don't think other DEXs have a problem with 1000 BEE, it is peanuts for most people operating DEXs or having bridges, etc. I also see the 1000 BEE as a "way to protect" against idiocracy and attacks, without any cost, attackers would just abuse the system and try to exploit ways to bring it down. There are always many sides to consider. 😇😉

Oh no, you just ruined my vision 😂
It's true though. I often forget to consider peoples malicious intentions. I think I do that because I personally wouldn't exploit stuff like that

Yeah... I would love the world to be like that too... unfortunately I get slapped since I was 13 everyday, reminding me that it was just a dream. 🤣

But creativity is what forges new concepts... so keep it coming.

Oh... and always !BEER over !WINE .. at least when it comes to drinking
(Image taken at this very moment)

I confess that I enjoy both. Depends on weather, food, company, etc. =)

The food is important and, to an extent, the company too. I can drink red wine but I prefer not to as I don't like what it does to my teeth - and the taste is rarely good (always exceptions)