I have talked and will continue to do so in a section of the blog about animals that are harmful to the garden, but there are also many animals that are beneficial to the garden. These are the predators that help us control pests in the most efficient and clean way possible. Our job will be to attract them and respect them so that they can help us get the best harvests.
Spiders, especially the weavers, are great predators of insects that are harmful to the garden and that is why they are great allies of the gardener. Although spiders also hunt insects that are beneficial for the garden, this is not important because the important thing is that there are no pests and in this, spiders are a source of benefits.
The best way to get spiders to help us is to create hedges around the garden, which, as we have said, is essential for its health.
Spiders will live in these hedges and hunt in them with their wonderful spider webs. In this way, they will prevent pests from reaching our garden and ruining our crops.
There are also hunting spiders, these are not as beneficial as the others but they also do a great job for us, so if you see one among your tomatoes, leave it alone because it is working for us. This way, you will harvest healthier vegetables.
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