Power-up julio /Hive Power Up Day!

in Hive Power7 days ago

Greetings to the #HivePower community.
Today I come to make my Power-up of what I had accumulated.

Saludos a la comunidad #HivePower.
El día de hoy vengo a realizar mi Power-up de lo que tenía acumulado.

And my dolphin?

During the last month I selected the 100% Power-up reward.
While it is true that I have not posted daily, I did increase the frequency a bit. However, I am still a small fish despite having surpassed 5000 HP.
This doubt has me checking my status every day and it doesn't change.

I appreciate if you can explain it to me.

¿Y mi delfín?

Durante el último mes seleccioné la recompensa al 100% Power-up.
Si bien es cierto de que no he publicado a diario, si aumenté un poco la frecuencia. Sin embargo, sigo siendo un pequeño pez a pesar de haber superado los 5000 HP
Esta duda me tiene revisando cada día mi estatus y no cambia.

Agradezco si me lo pueden explicar.


Below I send the evidence of today's transactions.
This has been a long journey with some stumbles like the loss of my first account @evagavilan, due to a password error when still using the previous platform.

I started again with a lot of enthusiasm, but sometimes there are disappointments along the way, then they smooth out and I reappear.

This time and close to the first goal, the desire to move forward is reactivated and here I am.
Waiting for good news from this community that I know will guide me if something is missing.

A continuación envío las pruebas de las transacciones de hoy.
Este ha sido un largo recorrido con algunos tropiezos como la perdida de mi primera cuenta @evagavilan, por un error de clave cuando todavía se usaba la de la plataforma anterior.

Empecé de nuevo con muchas ganas, pero en el camino a veces hay decepciones, luego se suavizan y vuelvo a aparecer.

En esta ocasión y cerca de la primera meta, se reactiva el deseo de seguir adelante y aquí estoy.
Esperando buenas noticias de parte de esta comunidad que sé que me guiará si falta algo por hacer.



Traducción por DeepL
La imagen de presentación fue trabajada con CANVA

Translation by DeepL


colmena (3).gif
Vote la-colmena for witness
By @ylich



Congratulations @evagavilan2! You received a personal badge!

You powered-up at least 10 HIVE on Hive Power Up Day! This entitles you to a level 1 badge.
Participate in the next Power Up Day and try to power-up more HIVE to get a bigger Power-Bee.
May the Hive Power be with you!

You can view your badges on your board and compare yourself to others in the Ranking

Check out our last posts:

Hive Power Up Month Challenge - June 2024 Winners List
Be ready for the July edition of the Hive Power Up Month!
Hive Power Up Day - July 1st 2024