Steroids are a strictly regulated thing in the sport industry due to the high risk it can cause to someone's health, according to me research athletes who are caught using these substances face severe consequences, including banning them from competitions and damage to their reputations. Aside from the health effects is it confirmed that steroids give an added advantage to players who used them by giving them additional strength that the normal which make them go beyond the level different from other, and this is unfair and it is against the spirit of a fair competition in the sport, so in such a case the best thing to do is to banned them so they don't cause harm to other athletes.
However, when we move our attention to the fashion world and beauty industries, we discovered that over there they have a different perspective and standard, it is highly recommended and wildly accept to use makeup and Photoshop to manipulate their images to make it fit with the standard of the society and attend the level of beauty required, and here is the question, why would it be allowed in the fashion industries and condemned in the sport industries?
It is interesting to know that anabolic steroids is well valued in the beauty and fashion industries, but find it as a prohibited thing in other fields. Well some models in the fashion world use it to increase their body size, for facial beauty as we can easily find cream or ointment, most of the time it is used to alleviate inflammation or treat skin conditions like eczema.
This discrepancy in acceptance can be attributed to the difference in priorities in the sport and fashion industries. In fashion Nas beauty world they models appearance and body fitness is a paramount thing, they're more interested in the flawless of their skin and a toned physique in this aspect the main aim is on aesthetics rather than athletic performance, the makeup is just a primary tools for them to get a desired look and beauty. Unlike in the sport it is different, in fashion industries makeup promote beauty while in sports it increase strength and performance of the athletes which happens not to be a fair competitive edge for sports.
In conclusion, while the use of anabolic steroids in sports industries are highly condemned and banned due to its unfair advantage and health risks, the acceptance of makeup and image manipulation in the beauty and fashion industries reflects what is the priority of the fashion industries, it shows what's their norms and standard, what is acceptable or not.