nearby there is a glacial moraine right on the coast called Mølen. we visit there several times throughout the year and each time is different.
i have posted from there a few times and while this is a post from there i have chosen to focus on a single piece of driftwood that i came across among all the rocks
i am not going to show you how beautiful this place is with the ocean and the expanse of all the countless rounded rocks that originate from different faraway places
or the grave mounds that date back over 1000 years or even the brilliant evening song of the nightingale
no here i am presenting a dozen shots of the single piece of driftwood in the order that i took the shots
i hope the shots will explain why i would do such a thing when perhaps one of two shots would seem to suffice
i am trying to show how the wood fits so well in the setting among the rotund rocks, as both are formed by the forces of nature
yet at the same time it stands out as unique. by the bark i can see that the wood is norwegian pine
the annual rings are clear but if i knew more it would be possible to interpret what causes the different colors
obviously the sun and sea have bleached the wood but still there are browns, grays and whites. has the wood been infected with fungi causing the gray or is it heartwood?
or how about i forget all that and just enjoy the subtle beauty of the design
i never touched the wood or the rocks or the rocks to arrange any shot instead i tried to take them from all different angles. the camera is my S22 phone. some minor editing has been done with the free version of photoshop express