Maximum Leverage, for Maximum Mutual Benefit! by @tydynrain
Investing in the Hive Blockchain Ecosystem, and leveraging and growing assets here, has certainly become a passion of mine, and with that passion comes rapid learning and ever-increasing proficiency, efficiency, and effectiveness. It's no secret that this endeavor is fun for me, because I'm able to see quite quickly the useful effects of my decisions in my wallet, which then gives me even more with which to play.
IAAC Day 4 - Preparing taxes by @ladyaryastark
The first days of each month are the time for filing monthly tax returns in my country. Since I started the small grocery business, or "despensa" as we call it here, I had to reactivate my fiscal activity.
Alive & Thriving Thankful Thursday : Writing Therapy by @iamraincrystal
Despite life's setbacks and challenges, I'm still feeling grateful. One way to keep my sanity is doing what I call writing therapy. I'm sure it's not an original concept, but it's what I hope to achieve with my daily journals.
Birthday celebration by @bela91
Early 4:00am in the morning, I call my sister to be the first to wish her a happy birthday. With a heart fill with Joy, I begin with a short happy birthday song before praying for her. She was so happy although I wakes her up that early hour.
We Are Alive, My Baby Getting Ready To Move by @oasiskp2
Yeah, it's another weekend mode activated. My wife had an appointment with a patient by 7.30am, so she have to wake earlier and get prepare.
Image by Shana und Marino from Pixabay