The column, the first monument to Bolivar and its surroundings. Mérida, Venezuela

in Architecture+Design6 months ago (edited)

Hello dear friends, lovers of architecture and design, it is always a pleasure to greet you and exchange with you, a new experience, so you know a little more about the history and architecture of the State of Merida, in Venezuela.

Last Sunday, after a day of walking, park and fun, we decided to watch the sunset at the Square of the Six Republics. It had been a long time since I had passed by this place and it was nice to find it as beautiful as before. This place is the perfect place to admire the Sierra Nevada and two of the main rivers of the city. The Mucujun River and the Chama River.

The square of the Six Republics is a small square located on Calle 13 Colón, in front of the Rivas Dávila army barracks, in the Milla parish, and is recognized because it is home to the first monument in the world that was made in honor of the liberator Simón Bolívar.

Hola queridos amigos amantes de la arquitectura y diseño, siempre es un placer poder saludarlos e intercambiar con ustedes, una nueva experiencia, así conocen un poco más de la historia y la arquitectura del Estado Mérida, en Venezuela.

El pasado domingo, después de un día de caminata, parque y diversión, decidimos ver el atardecer en la Plaza las Seis Repúblicas. Hace mucho tiempo no pasaba por este lugar y fue agradable encontrarla tan bonita como antes. Este sitio es el sitio perfecto para admirar la sierra nevada y dos de los ríos principales de la ciudad. El Río Mucujun y el Río Chama.

La plaza las Seis Repúblicas es una pequeña plaza ubicada en la calle 13 Colón, al frente del cuartel del ejército Rivas Dávila, en la parroquia Milla, y es reconocida porque en ella se encuentra el primer monumento del mundo que se realizó en homenaje al libertador Simón Bolívar.

The first thing we see upon entering is a concrete pedestal where the flags of the 6 countries to which this place pays homage are hoisted. As well as their respective coat of arms.

These countries are Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia and Panama.

Lo primero que observamos al entrar es un pedestal en concreto donde se encuentran izadas las banderas de los 6 países a quien rinde homenaje este lugar. Así como también sus respectivos escudo.

Estos países son Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Perú, Bolivia y Panamá.

One of the features that I like most about the square is that much of it is built in stone, its walkways, walls and planters are made of stone. A material that blends perfectly with its surroundings.

Una de las características que más me gusta de la plaza es que gran parte de ella esta construida en piedra, sus caminerias, sus muros y sus jardineras son de piedra. Un material que combina perfectamente con su entorno.

Its vegetation is beautiful. Some trees were cut down, I imagine they were very old and already represented a danger to passersby. There are several wrought iron benches, for the enjoyment of its visitors and its beautiful lanterns, which are responsible not only to illuminate the nights, but are an excellent decoration.

Su vegetación es hermosa. Algunos árboles fueron cortados, me imagino que estaban muy viejos y ya representaban un peligro para los transeúntes. En ella encontramos varias bancas de hierro forjado, para el disfrute de sus visitantes y sus hermosos faroles, que se encargan no solo de iluminar las noches, sino que son una excelente decoración.

In the background, facing the beautiful mountains of the Andean Cordillera, we find this slender and tall column where the bust of the liberator rests.

Al fondo, frente a las bellas montañas de muestra cordillera andina, encontramos esta esbelta y alta columna donde descansa el busto del libertador.

Undoubtedly, a beautiful architectural work. It is about 11 meters high and, according to the information engraved on its pedestal, it was restored last year, but it is 182 years old. It is a long time, isn't it? This column is the first monument erected in honor of the Liberator Simón Bolívar in the world.

Sin duda, una obra arquitectónica preciosa. Tiene unos 11 metros de altura y, según la información grabada en su pedestal, fue restaurada el año pasado, pero tiene 182 años de construida. ¿Es mucho tiempo, verdad?, Esta columna es el primer monumento que se levantó en honor al Libertador Simón Bolívar en el mundo.

This monument begins with a beautiful granite pedestal, where on each of its faces we find a bronze plaque. The main face reads as follows.

Este monumento comienza con un hermoso pedestal en granito, donde en cada una de sus caras encontramos una placa en bronce. La cara principal dice textualmente lo siguiente.

"The Government and the People of Merida To the Liberator
December 17, 1842/ 1942 /2023"

The back face on its bronze plaque reads as follows.

La cara posterior en su placa de bronce dice lo siguiente.

"The government of the province of Merida erected this monument in 1842 and the state of the Andes rebuilt it in 1989.

The government of Merida rebuilt it for the second time and erected the bronze bust in 1901 and it was remodeled in 1942 and restored in 2023."

The lateral faces have a photograph with bronze reliefs, one indicates that it is of the liberator, being received by the people of Merida in 1813.

Las caras laterales tienen una fotografía con relieves en bronce, una indica que es del libertador, siendo recibido por el pueblo de Mérida en 1813.

And the other image corresponds, as its plate indicates, to the arrival of the remains of the liberator to Caracas.

Y la otra imagen corresponde, como su placa lo indica, a la llegada de los restos del libertador a caracas.

On the pedestal we find a column that, according to the article of the Institutional Assets and Monuments of Venezuela, was designed by the architect and hero of independence, Juan Pablo Ibarra. I love its design, it is elegant, imposing and so high that when we admire it our gaze is lost in the blue sky.

Sobre el pedestal encontramos una columna que, de acuerdo con el artículo del Instituto de Bienes y Monumentos de Venezuela, fue diseñada por el arquitecto y prócer de la independencia, Juan Pablo Ibarra. Me encanta su diseño, es elegante, imponente y tan alto que al admirarla nuestra mirada se pierde en el azul del cielo.

I love this cylindrical column, I like its color and its finish with these decorations throughout its body. A beautiful laurel leaves made in bronze embrace it and culminate with a capital that seems to be of Tuscan order by its shape and simplicity; on it we have a beautiful bust of the liberator.

Me encanta esta columna cilíndrica, me gusta su color y su acabado con esas decoraciones en todo su cuerpo. Unas hermosas hojas de laurel realizadas en bronce la abrazan y culminan con un capitel que parece ser de orden toscano por su forma y sencillez; sobre él tenemos un hermoso busto del libertador.

Undoubtedly, architecture and nature come together once again to create a visual, harmonious, pleasant and even relaxing spectacle, where you can breathe fresh air while enjoying incredible views of the plateaus of Merida and some sectors of the city.

Sin duda, la arquitectura y la naturaleza se unen una vez más para crear un espectáculo visual, armonioso, agradable e incluso relajante, donde se puede respirar aire puro mientras disfrutas de unas vistas increíbles a las mesetas​
de Mérida y hacia algunos sectores de la ciudad.

If you come to Mérida, I invite you to visit this viewpoint, admire this monument and enjoy the surrounding landscape.

Si vienen a Mérida, los invito a conocer este mirador, admirar este monumento y disfrutar del paisaje que lo rodea.

Sources consulted.

The Bolivar Column, the world's first monument to the Liberator by Samuel Leonardo Hurtado Camargo.

Fuentes consultadas.

La Columna Bolívar, el primer monumento del mundo al Libertador por Samuel Leonardo Hurtado Camargo.

Until next time, a million blessings to your families.

Hasta la próxima, un millón de bendiciones a sus familias.

Traducción: DeepL Translator.
Edición: Canva(Recursós y Plantillas Gratis)

Translation: DeepL Translator.
Editing: Canva(Free Resources and Templates)

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Doris, qué hermosura de lugar y cuanta historia y orgullo de pertenecer esta tierra.
A veces siento tanta tristeza de ver lo que estamos pasando teniendo un país tan grande, tan lleno de historia, de riquezas de todo tipo. Yo no puedo siquiera imaginar qué sentiría el libertador de ver todo lo que sucede ahora.
Pero dejando de lado eso, te agradezco por ese poquito de historia, por compartir este monumento realmente increíble, 11 metros de altura y ese busto allá arriba en lo alto. Simplemente hermoso e increíble que tenga tanto tiempo.
El clima por cierto se ve tan rico.
Gracias amiga por este recorrido.

Doris, what a beautiful place and how much history and pride to belong to this land.
Sometimes I feel so sad to see what we are going through having such a great country, so full of history, richness of all kinds. I can't even imagine what the liberator would feel if he saw everything that is happening now.
But leaving that aside, I thank you for that little bit of history, for sharing this really incredible monument, 11 meters high and that bust up there on top. Just beautiful and incredible that it has so much time.
The weather by the way looks so nice.
Thank you friend for this tour.

Amiga, I'm sorry for replying so late, but well, some things happened.

The same thing happens to me, many sites fill me with nostalgia, at least I am glad to know that after so many years, now they are giving a little love to some places that do not deserve the state they are in.

Thank you very much for your nice comment. I hope you can visit Merida soon.

Wuaooo amiga! Ese lugar tiene un gran valor histórico, hermoso monumento y la vista que lo rodea, disfruté toda la descripción y agradezco este paseo por Mérida.

Wuaooo amiga! That place has a great historical value, beautiful monument and the view that surrounds it, I enjoyed all the description and I appreciate this tour of Merida.

Yes, I am glad to know that the first monument of the Liberator was in Merida. You have to come


Thank You

Such a historic place just in picture but still seems real in front of me. Good work

Thank you very much, I did what I could with the photo because the sun was setting and the monument is very tall. Thank you.

Hi @doriangel thanks for sharing your tour of the square, it is beautiful the place the mountain view is my favorite, the column has a great design and nice decorations, a square with great historical value for the country.


Yes, the best thing about the square is its historical value and of course the view we can appreciate, thank you.

Wow the landscape is beautifully done. and so is the historic pillar.
Lovely family, keep posting:) @doriangel

Thank you very much, yes the landscape and the monument are beautiful. Thank you very much.