Dear friend @stdd, as always very happy to be here, to enjoy your thoughtful words. Thank you very much for this one.
I hate lies whatever size they are, maybe they exist because of the envy that exists in the hearts of many people, but for me that is one of the worst things that can exist, because to keep people deceived and that many for their good heart and innocence fall for me is a sin.
What would be the desire that comes out of my heart at this moment: that this socially rotten world changes, and I am referring to the social part, that is to say that I speak directly of the human being. If everyone acted well and with a good heart this world would be different, we would not live so many injustices as we live day by day, in short we would live in a happy world which is what we want.
Hugs and may God bless you infinitely. 💕
Greetings to all of you who are always around here, I send you blessings too... ❤️