(created in Canva.com with personal photo)
It is again Monday, most of you are heading back to work. Some really like their job while others wish they were somewhere else.
Here is something to ponder while you are working:
Do you do your job each day well enough that you would hire yourself?
I am now retired but this is one of the things that I always lived by. At the end of each day, I wanted to be able and look back and say I did well enough that I would not mind hiring the person that did all that work.
Some people look at their job from the stand point of they don't get paid enough for what they do so they start doing less and less. But if you were the boss, is that the kind of employee that you would want working for you? Or would you want a person that was proud of job they were doing and happy doing it.
Yes, we all want to be paid more than we currently make. Who doesn't? But we also need to make sure that the quality of the job that we complete is worth that pay.
Many of us now are our own boss. Are you making your boss (yourself) proud of the work that you are completing? Or are you going to throw your hands up in the air and state that you do not pay yourself enough for doing the great work that you completed?
My advise is that you do the best you do in whatever you set your mind to because you are the one that needs to be satisfied with the end product. There will always be someone that will state it is not go enough but you need to make yourself proud of the job you do.
Do your job well enough (quality and volume) that you would be happy to call yourself the best hire you ever made.