What if artificial intelligence takes over your image, your voice, and your human relationships?

in Hive Learners4 months ago

EN by ChatGPT / PT-BR abaixo
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To my ever friends from the HiveLearners community, my warmest greetings! I am gradually returning to participate actively, hoping that the content meets the community's desires!

Technology is evolving at a rapid pace. This is undeniable. And we can witness projects that until recently would have been treated as utopian coming to fruition and taking over our daily lives, becoming part of what we call "normal."

Artificial intelligence in movies

For a long time, we dreamed of the day when machines would have their own thoughts. Much of this dream was also portrayed as fear, through cinema.

1984: Film series showed the downside of machines
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In the world of fiction, we suffered from Skynet, an artificial intelligence that became generative and self-aware, starting to act in its own interest.

The film, premiered in 1984 in theaters, tells the story of a cyborg sent from 2029 to 1984 aiming to kill the character Sarah Conors, who would be responsible for leading the resistance in the war against the machines.

1999: Film series showed humanity's extermination
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In 1999, we were surprised with Matrix, which raised discussions to a philosophical and anthropological level. Certainly, a cinema classic that requires a long analysis to explore every nuance of its criticisms of society and contemporary materialism.

Humanity was enslaved by machines, and society ceased to exist, living in a controlled illusion. It is probably the greatest example of the struggle between human and machine, sparking much discussion in academic and philosophical circles.

Artificial Intelligence in the real world

The real world only began to feel the presence of artificial intelligence when in November 2022 the company OpenAI released to the public a version of its ChatGPT project.

2022: ChatGPT launch
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Certainly the biggest event in recent technology, its impact was felt worldwide! Much of this is due to the fact that the company opened the tests for general public use.

The capability of the provided artificial intelligence surprised and scared the population. In a short time, the subject of discussion on social networks was dominated by ChatGPT.

Students began to explore the machine's capability. Soon teachers found themselves dealing with texts generated entirely by artificial intelligence.

Then it was the turn of courses. With correct prompts, it was possible to create courses on practically any subject. Courses have been sold on the internet forever, but not even the effort to create them would be necessary anymore.

Finally, some interesting situations arose, and I want to highlight the ability of artificial intelligence to generate source code in various languages to meet the user's needs.

The limits

Despite the abundance of access to various artificial intelligence projects, there are things that cannot be automated. Among them, the one that, in my judgment, must be protected is human relationships.

Our relationships are fragile constructions that result from a series of factors that include understanding the complexity of the people who interact with us. Their expressions, their tone of voice, their non-verbal language.

In this sense, it is not prudent to let artificial intelligence evaluate and manage our social relationships. That would be terrible!

Suppose that artificial intelligence could create a video with your face, emulate your voice, and contact your family, saying whatever it decides. This is not a fantasy; the necessary tools already exist to make this real.

Imagine how much available time you would have if you didn't need to interact with your boss or your work team. You wouldn't need to call people or attend online meetings that don't generate concrete results.

It would be the outsourcing of human relationships.

Would you trust artificial intelligence to manage your relationships?


We must not be afraid to use technological advances. This is an incentive to decrease our workload, making the machine work for us, especially in repetitive and purely algorithmic activities.

In human matters, we need to protect and defend our right to exist and think for ourselves!

EN by Google / PT-BR abaixo
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Aos meu sempre amigos da comunidade HiveLearners, minhas melhores saudações! Estou retornado aos poucos para participar ativamente, espero que o conteúdo atenda ao desejo da comunidade!

A tecnologia evolui a passos largos. Isso é inegável. E podemos vivenciar projetos que a pouco tempo seriam tratados como utópicos se concretizarem e tomarem conta do nosso dia-a-dia, passando a integrar aquilo que chamamos de "normal".

Inteligência artificial nos cinemas

A muito tempo sonhamos com o dia em que as máquinas teriam pensamentos próprios. Muito desse sonho também foi retratado como medo, através do cinema.

1984: Sequencia de filmes mostrava o lado ruim das máquinas
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No mundo da ficção, sofremos com a Skynet, inteligência artificial que tornou-se generativa e consciente de si mesma, passando a agir em interesse próprio.

O filme, estreado em 1984 nos cinemas, conta a história do ciborgue enviado de 2029 para 1984 visando matar a personagem Sarah Conors, que seria a responsável por liderar a resistência na guerra contra as máquinas.

1999: Sequência de filmes mostrava o extermínio da humanidade
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Em 1999 fomos surpreendidos com Matrix, que elevou as discussões para um nível filosófico e antropológico. Certamente um clássico do cinema que necessita uma análise longa para explorar cada nuance das suas críticas à sociedade e ao materialismo contemporâneo.

A humanidade foi escravizada pelas máquinas, e a sociedade deixou de existir, passando a viver uma ilusão controlada. Provavelmente é o maior exemplo de disputa entre humano e máquina, rendendo muita discussão nos meios acadêmicos e filosóficos.

Inteligência Artificial no mundo real

O mundo real só veio a sentir a presença da inteligência artificial quando em novembro de 2022 a empresa OpenAI lançou para o público uma versão do seu projeto ChatGPT.

2022: lançamento do ChatGPT
Image Source

Certamente o maior evento da área de tecnologia recente, seu impacto foi sentido em todas as partes do mundo! Muito disso deve-se ao fato da empresa abrir os testes para uso do público em geral.

A capacidade da inteligência artificial disponibilizada surpreendeu e assustou a população. Em pouco tempo, o assunto das redes foi tomado pela discussão em torno do ChatGPT.

Os estudantes começaram a explorar a capacidade da máquina. Em pouco tempo os professores se viram lidando com textos gerados integralmente pela inteligência artificial.

Depois foi a vez dos cursos. Com prompts corretos, era possível criar cursos sobre praticamente qualquer assunto. Cursos são vendidos na internet desde sempre, porém nem mesmo o esforço de criá-los seria mais necessário.

Por fim, algumas situações interessantes surgiram, e quero destacar a capacidade da inteligência artificial gerar código fonte em diversas linguagens para atender a necessidade do usuário.

Os limites

Apesar da fartura de acesso à diversos projetos de inteligência artificial, existem coisas que não podem ser automatizadas. Entre elas a que, no meu julgamento, deve ser protegida é a relação humana.

Os nossos relacionamentos são construções frágeis que resultam de uma série de fatores que incluem a leitura da complexidade das pessoas que interagem conosco. Suas expressões, seu tom de voz, sua linguagem não-verbal.

Neste sentido, não é prudente deixar que a inteligência artificial avalie e administre nossos relacionamentos sociais. Isso seria terrível!

Suponha que a inteligência artificial possa criar um vídeo com seu rosto, emular a sua voz, e entrar em contato com sua família, falando o que ela decidir. Isso não é uma fantasia, já existem as ferramentas necessárias para tornar isso real.

Imagine quanto tempo disponível você teria se não precisasse interagir com seu chefe, ou com sua equipe de trabalho. Não precisaria ligar para pessoas, nem ir a reuniões online que não geram resultados concretos.

Seria a terceirização do relacionamento humano.

Você confiaria na inteligência artificial para gerenciar suas relações?


Não podemos ter medo de usar o os avanços tecnológicos. Isso é um incentivo para diminuirmos nossa intensidade de trabalho, fazendo a máquina trabalhar por nós, principalmente nas atividades repetitivas e puramente algorítmicas.

Nas questões humanas, precisamos proteger e defender nosso direito de existir e pensar por nós mesmos!

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As I read your article, I couldn't help but wonder what the future holds for us humans in a world where machines are becoming increasingly intelligent. Your thoughts on preserving human relationships resonated deeply with me

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Thank you and I appreciate your contribution too. I will drop you a follow too.

Just like you said, AI can never be effective in human relationship. We are Humans and as such, we need the heart to heart connecting to flow well

Hello my friend!

Hope you're well!
I'm starting to follow you, and if you want, you can follow me too! !LUV

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Thank You.
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🎉 Upvoted 🎉
👏 Keep Up the good work on Hive ♦️ 👏
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In order to create a human relationship we need to end the robotic system that is running on Earth After reading your post I am actually very happy that in your post you have tried to talk about a topic that is very important for us and every human being needs to know and think about how everything is well managed for mankind.

Thanks for the kind words!
I have a side that is very concerned about humanity. I'm involved in some Hive projects that encourage good relationships, mental health and care for others.
I see an imminent risk in AI and I am afraid of what the world will become. For now I'm playing my little role.

I started following you, and if you want, you can follow me too!

I would like to invite you to our Freecompliments community. Find us through the links on your current frontend:

InLeo | Ecency | Peakd


Terminator series and the Matrix series are the stunning movies having a lot of insights and questions for us. Honestly speaking, the current advancement in the field of AI has mede me afraid as if we are going towards a dfiture similar to these movies.

If we evaluate, through social media, we have been out in a matrix. The algorithm decides for us what we would be watching and then our world is formed more and more of the similar kind of ideas.

I agree that human relationships should never be replaced by AI.

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I'm glad you agree with some of the points I raised. I'm very afraid of AI and the direction things should take. But there's little we can do! The next generation will be born with AI in their midst, will this lead them to success? I don't know!

I was very pleased that HivePakistan can support my content, I thought it was a narrow support group. Is there anything I can do to be eligible more often?

Thank you very much for your time!

I thought it was a narrow support group

No, hivepakistan supports quality content of Hive users across the globe.

Is there anything I can do to be eligible more often?

Mmmmm. There is nothing like vote selling kind of thing. We upvote quality content organically.
However, if you want to support our project, you may delegated HP are earn 90 % of the curation reward

I just made another part of my series of posts aimed at new users! I'm not going to recommend myself, if there was a specific tag that you monitor, I could assess whether it's suitable for my posts. In any case, I am very grateful for your help and I will maintain a symbolic delegation for your project!


@amberkashif! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @crazyphantombr. (1/5)

There is not any specific tag, usually that we follow. Nevertheless, posts meant for new users will be helpful.

You may like to join hivepakistan discord server. We have giveaways that may earn you some prizes. 😊

Your blog really got me thinking about the impact of advancing AI on our lives. It's scary to imagine a future where machines could control our relationships. Human connection is irreplaceable and should always be cherished.

I completely agree with you!

We need to protect this so that we don't lose our "humanity"!

I started following you and if you want you can follow me too!

Definitely follow you big brother 👌

I appreciate your gesture! !LUV