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RE: Sunday Musings: Pondering Our Quests for Significance

in Reflections8 months ago

I really enjoy writing, and that I really enjoy taking my brain out and playing with it from time to time and simply having these thought exercises that mostly relate to examining the relationship between things and between ideas.

Yes!!! When I do a thing because I enjoy it, I derive a much richer experience than when I do a thing to ascribe meaning and identity to my self and my life. I do hope, though, that you derive some satisfaction in being quite good at it.

Looping. Yeah, I do it myself, although I try not to do it out loud. I find that there's often some little tidbit of resolution in each loop, though, if I apply critical or experimental thinking to such stories. Maybe that's not looping, though. Maybe it's expansion and growth.

Beautiful post and photos. I miss summer.


I miss summer, too! I don't know if it got as cold in Portland as it did here last weekend but everything now that it's thawed out has that dead and beaten up look to it.

Yes, I do get a measure of satisfaction from knowing that my writing is pretty good. It's not really about impressing anybody else, it's just about knowing that I've done a good job, for its own sake.

From where I'm sitting, I don't see any significant harm and looping as long as each iteration brings you closer to some sort of resolution. The problem only arises when you are truly stuck in a rut repeating the same thing over and over and over without life feeling any better.

You guys are a little further north so I imagine you had colder temps, but lucky us, we had a good full day of freezing rain on top of our snow! It certainly did a number on my sense of connection, being cooped up like that!