Silver Bloggers my home in Hive

in Silver Bloggers4 months ago (edited)


Some Acacias in bloom a few days ago at Vizcaya Park.

“There are places where you stay and places that stay in you.”
"Hay lugares donde uno se queda y lugares que quedan en uno" - Alberto Manguel

The third-anniversary date of Silver Bloggers passed without any fanfare as our dear Lizzie, founder of SB, said, and is that offline life lately has had us more busy than in previous years. But the fact that we have not made a fuss on the anniversary day does not mean that we do not celebrate and are grateful for the existence of this space, in which those who have already reached "a few" years of experience in what they call Life can come to tell about their experiences, their joys, and sorrows and share memories among other things.

Happy Birthday, Silver Bloggers!


But how did I get to Silver Bloggers?

When my journey in Hive began in the second half of the year 2021, I was a little lost until my friend @carolinacardoza, who I had met in reached out to me and gave me advice and explained to me how things worked here. Among her recommendations of communities where I might like to publish was the Silver Bloggers community. I recall she told me that the community admin was a lovely lady, and she was not exaggerating @lizelle the founder of Silver Bloggers and her right hand @fionasfavourites turned out to be two lovely people. Back in the day, when I was still a RedFish I benefited a couple of times from the delegations that Fiona made and still makes now with a larger group (me included) in the framework of the Hive Power Up Day.

So a little parenthesis and if you don't know what I'm talking about check it out Redfish: win a delegation if you power up on June 1st!. And a reminder that tomorrow is Hive PUD. Be ready to power up!


And back to my path in Silver Bloggers. Everything came together. I was posting frequently in the community. I used to participate in the #BOM Blog of the Month, which at that time had a weekly format if I remember correctly and it was the Blog of the Week, and I started to engage with other community members' posts. One day Fiona wrote in one of her posts they were looking for someone to give a hand on Silver Bloggers moderation. I wasn't very experienced on Hive at that time but still, I left a comment saying that I had the time to do it. And Fiona wrote me and I joined the team as a moderator. As Silver Cat.

On the team was also the Dude @mondoshawan, the Discord master and the guy in charge of the more technical aspects behind the scenes and also behind our Silver Names. Shortly after joined the team my dear Super Ed @tengolotodo aka Silver Scot, who was already an active member of the community.

Since then, a lot has passed. In my particular case besides moderating and curating posts to be nominated for OCD's support, I have also run some initiatives, such as the Silver Prompts and more recently the Weekend Threading for the community. But the most important thing is that even though I publish in many communities on Hive. Silver Bloggers is like my home in the blockchain, where I always feel comfortable.

We have had ups and downs in the time we share in the community, due to some events in the lives of each of us, some serious and also devastating. But we are still here, and we hope there will be Silver Bloggers for a long time.


This is my post to celebrate Silver Bloggers' anniversary and to answer Lizelle's question for her surprise giveaway at Celebration Time! We are Three - Happy Birthday Silver Bloggers!

How to be in line for this giveaway

Please tell us in a blog how you heard about the Silver Bloggers, why you chose our community for some of your blogs, and what keeps you coming back for more.

I will not reveal the prizes, but it certainly will be worth your while!

Please use the following as your first tag - #silversurprise
250 words or more!

So we look forward to reading your answers, dear members of our community.

Thank you for reading!

All images and writing are my own unless otherwise stated.

© CoquiCoin

May 31, 2024

If you're reading this and you are not on Hive yet, I invite you to join through my referral link. I could delegate some resource credit to help you get started.


!WINEX to you Eli and all the lovelies at Silver's, much achieved in a short time, many friendships forged that last even longer.

Moderators slipped through my radar, not being online as much with RL pulling and pushing, no excuses...., I'm late! 🙃

You don't have to excuse yourself in any way dear Joan!!!! Especially since you have arrived 💕 Thank you!!! And you are absolutely right, the best thing is the friendships we have forged over the years.
Hugs and happy weekend


Great to share with you too Eli have a wonderful Sunday.

Celebrating important events late is something that in our family has become standard practice. Birthdays, anniversaries, holidays, you name it, are rarely celebrated on that special day. Life has a way of putting some things on the back burner but never makes it less exciting and worthy of special attention. When life allows the event to be recognized, let the appreciation for that day be filled with fond memories.

Sharing all that you mention, experiences, joys, sorrows, and memories among other things, and feeling comfortable enough to do so makes this community, that you tirelessly help to guide, so much fun!

I hope you have a wonderful and happy weekend!

Thank you very much @thebigsweed and thank you for being part of Silver Bloggers.
Fore many more years to come, cheers!

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Thank you for the support!

Awe Eli, what a wonderful response!
We are super blessed to have you on our team. When Fiona suggested you as a mod, I hopped over to your blog and was very impressed.
You are a very special woman!
You not only have the ability to think clearly and help with decisions, but you're also innovative with new initiatives and your dedication to curating - both you and @tengolotodo, and for that I am truly thankful!
Take care of yourself, dear Silver Cat😍

Aww Lizzie! Thank you so much 💕
I am lucky to have landed on Silver Bloggers and to have met all of you. I'm thankful you accepted me on the team.
Take care of yourself too 😘

Awe thanks Lizzie, you are all awesome!

Happy 3rd Birthday Silver Bloggers! It's nice to read how you came to learn about the community, and how you grew along with it, not to mention your awesome initiatives. I thank thee for introducing it to me too :) Will do my post anytime soon :)


Hola, sis!!! Congrats to you too, you've been a member of Silver Bloggers as long as I have.
Hope all is well in your lil kingdom, amiga. Happy weekend 🤗


I think I connected with you and your way of writing since we were in, I remember that many migrated from there to Hive and almost all of them have done very well.
Having you here in the community is an honor and a privilege because you leave the name of our country high in front of people like lizelle, fiona or tengolotodo.
i esteem you very much and i wish you always the best.

creo que conectè contigo y tu manera de escribir desde que estabamos en, recuerdo que muchos emigraron de alla para Hive y a casi todos les ha ido muy bien.
tenerte aqui en la comunidad es un honor y un privilegio porque dejas en alto el nombre de nuestro pais delante de personas como lizelle, fiona o tengolotodo.
te estimo mucho y te deseo siempre lo mejor.

Muchas gracias, querida Carolina 💕 Yo también te estimo mucho y agradezco que me hayas guiado por aquí. 🤗😘

Interesting how you came to Silver Bloggers and how you feel it is yours. Dear @coquicoin. I hope one day I too will say the same. It is true that they are spectacular hosts and the team they have including you. Thank you for sharing. Happy week. I am affected lately with the blackouts in my country and the lack of interest but we are and will continue to interact.🤗🥰❤️

More than feel that is mine I would say I feel I belong to this community. I hope you can also feel you belong here someday.

I'm sorry about the power outages, here we have been there also and I know frustrating it can be. But writing and sharing how you feel can be a way to let go of the frustration somehow.

Muchos saludos y espero que las cosas mejoren por allá 🤗

I hope so dear friend, but it is for the long term. But we will look for alternatives so we don't miss too much Hive time. Greetings..,

A lovely post, deliciously emotional and very ‘#Hive’... In #Hive we all have some space to ‘be’!... I love that! ;)... Thanks for sharing and my congratulations to Silver Bloggers team also for the anniversary!

!discovery 40
!gif celebration

Gracias, Jesus! Y es verdad, en Hive todos podemos encontrar nuestro espacio.
Feliz noche, amigo!

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Uses: 12/25

You wrote this a week ago .... You knew a giveaway was coming ....



Hehe one too many KUTA's from you Super Eli 💙!

But seriously thank you to youuuu for introducing me to Hive and then Silver Bloggers .... so I blame CoquiCoin coming to a blog near you in a wee while


You wrote this a week ago

Eduard, fit ye saying!
Eli must be clairvoyant if that's the case as the idea sprung to mind while writing, (has a way of getting my brain cells moving😂) I have been wracking my brain trying to think of something special for our #silverbloggers😍
Thank you all the chuckles Eduard!

Jaja!!! I didn’t know about the giveaway. But I got inspired lol. I think I haven’t been so inspired like today in a long time.

Thank you for being you Super Ed 💙 you are one of the reasons why Hive is special for me. 😘😘

ps: date corrected ;) 😂

Hehe so I have mine written but the title is ... I blame coquicoin ....

Is that too much to post with that title? I will change if you want

I'm honored that you blame me 😆 I had to go out but when I return I will read carefully what are the charges 🤣💙

It is great you are inspired though Super Eli, we need that 💙

Morning morning Super Ed

I was inspired and was in a hurry to go play cards with the girls 🤣 But my favorite clairvoyant saw it all and gave me a kuta, lol 💙

Feliz fin de semana 😘🌀

So entertaining to read how you start and grow in this community. Your team is quite amazing♥️

Thank you! 💕 I hope you'll join the giveaway and share how you find out about Silver Bloggers. You are a regular poster in the community. :)
