A small square for The Little Prince and some musings

in Silver Bloggers6 months ago


“Straight ahead you can't go very far.”
― Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, The Little Prince

Hello, Hivers and Silver Bloggers!

It's been almost two weeks since my last post. Lately, I have been very busy. Together with a friend, I have started a small entrepreneurship project. We are still in an early stage and we need to get into the pace. During the week, I'm dedicating the mornings to the project and some afternoons as well. I have been arriving home exhausted without wanting to write or be online. I hope that will change as we get the hang of the new routine because something I do not want to sacrifice is the fact of having time to invest in my well-being and manage the stress. So I have considered doing it as a test and if it works great. As the quote above from Antoine de Saint-Exupéry in The Little Prince says "Straight ahead you can't go very far." If we don't try and take some risks and dare to make some changes, we don't move forward.

I will tell you more about my project some other time. Today, however, speaking of The Little Prince, I will tell you that the park where I walk in the afternoons when I don't go to the mountains has recently inaugurated a small square with the figure of this character. They have made several improvements in the park. They have installed new slides in the playground.


And the park, which always receives many people who exercise in its pathways is now also emerging as a nice place for the whole family to spend some time outdoors.


I used to see the space dedicated to the Little Prince with people eager to take pictures there, so one of these afternoons that I saw it empty, I took the chance to take some pictures.


The little spot is beautiful and they even planted a rose bush next to The Little Prince. To be honest, I don't know how long it will last there. At least, it has passed the test of the first weeks.


“It is the time you have wasted for your rose that makes your rose so important.”
― Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, The Little Prince

On my walks in the park, I always enjoy walking through the area where the mini-library is and the sculptures dedicated to literary figures that I have already shown on some of my walks there.


And I love it when I see someone sitting there, immersed in reading regardless of what is going on around them.


That day that I took the pictures I came home wanting to browse the book The Little Prince. No matter what age you are, that book is inspiring. My son loved it when he was little and my mother gave him a very nice edition.


When I gave away a lot of my son's story books I didn't want to get rid of it.

Some of the quotes in the book have so many lessons. One should go back to them more often.

“And now here is my secret, a very simple secret: It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye.”
― Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, The Little Prince

Are you one of those who look at things with your heart, or does your head always dominate you? I believe that there must be a balance, but we must never leave our heart aside. Especially if we are in our Silvery stage.


And it seems that someone else at home wanted to see the book in his particular way. Milo never resists curiosity about anything new. 😹😻


I was supposed to post this yesterday, Wednesday, but once again, I arrived exhausted. But better late than never. So this is also my post for this week's #wednesdaywalk challenge hosted by @tattoodjay.

Thank you for reading!

All images and writing are my own unless otherwise stated.

© CoquiCoin

March 7, 2024

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It's true about the path, but when you go down it, follow your heart. Look with your heart, because he knows how to guide you too. 😉

Health or money... mmmm... time or...

To be calm and in harmony with nature, that is priceless.

A hug!

I wondered what you were up to Eli! I'm sure your project will be a great success, knowing just how hard you work, best of luck with that <3
But, it's good to see you still make time for a walk in the park;)
As for this statement:

Are you one of those who look at things with your heart, or does your head always dominate you?

I'm afraid I battle to listen to my head, way too often! Not good at times!

Thank you, Lizzie ♡
I used to be one of those who listened to my head more often than I should. But I am trying at this stage of life to listen more to my heart.
I hope you are well, Lizzie, and that you are now fully recovered from the surgery.
A big hug

I'm feeling so much better, even the IBS hardly troubles me, as long as I'm careful with what I eat, super thankful for that!
A big hug back to you, Eli, and remember to make time for a walk like this, you will reap the benefits.

Ohhh, that's why we can't see you here that often. Good Luck on your business, i'm looking forward for the good news on how it grow tremendously soon ᕙ(͡°‿ ͡°)ᕗ

Anyways, love the park where you had walk. I love the view especially woth those trees. I really have a thing for tall trees haha.

Thank you, Rufa! You are very kind ♡
How have you been? How is your recovery from surgery and the scare you had a few days ago?
Happy weekend:)

Guau amigo realmente es hermoso lo que han creado y me alegra enormemente que todavia este impoluto, ojala la gente lo aprecie tanto como tu y lo cuide. Por otro lado el libro del principito lo pude leer ya de mayor, en su momento leí algunas paginas de niño pero claramente lo lei con los ojos de un niño así que puede notar la diferencia en los significados una vez pude terminarlo es realmente excelente y creo que a cada uno le llega de una forma diferente dependiendo de la etapa de su vida donde lo lea. Por ultimo, te deseo muchos exitos con el proyecto con tu amigo, si puedes, procura documentar todo así puedes monetizarlo aquí en Hive.

Yo también espero que la gente aprecie lo que tiene. Pienso que así será porque el área de la minibiblioteca ya tiene tiempo y la gente la cuida mucho.

Gracias por la idea de que documente el progreso del emprendimiento, tienes razón puedo publicar sobre ello aquí.

Muchos saludos y gracias por pasarte por aquí!

Oh, what a beautiful thing the Little Prince figure with a rose bush included!... That is a beautiful and spiritual book... It is so beautiful and profound that I usually consider it among my favorite wisdom books, where I include The Bible, The Bhagavad Gita, The Tao, the Zohar and others like "Manual of the Warrior of Light" by P. Coelho... Good luck with all your projects friend @coquicoin!... Thank you for sharing this beautiful post!... I send hugs and my best wishes of light and health to you and your family!

!discovery 40

It is true, it is a book full of wisdom.
Thank you very much for your good wishes and support always, dear friend!
Many blessings to you and yours. 🤗🤗

Success in your new project. The park is very welcoming. The Pincipito figure motivates to read it again. Thank you for sharing.🤗

Gracias, @mamani! 🤗

Hehe Milo is the Little Prince I think Super Eli 💙

Jaja, Super Ed!! He is 100% convinced that he is The Little King 😹😹


As The Little Prince is/was one of my wife's favorite books, I had to click and check out your post! 😃 The park looks great and it's great to see an unusual statue in the small square that could intrigue youngsters about the book and reading!

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Hello! You are right, it is a great idea to awaken the curiosity of the younger ones who today, unfortunately, don't read much.
Thanks for the support and for choosing my blog for the picks of the day on Our Pick.
Have a great weekend!

That's a beautiful park. It's a great idea that they made scultpures based on the books they have... not only you can have fun there physically... mentally too!

Yeah, right! One of the great things about that park is that it is becoming a space not only to exercise the body but also the mind.

Good afternoon dear friend @coquicoin

What a charming place to walk, I love the theme they have chosen to decorate the park, who doesn't like it and it brings back fond memories of the children like the little prince.

What beautiful photographs, I appreciate you sharing with us and the memorable quotes.

What a joy to know that you are dedicating time to a new project, I wish you the greatest of success.

Have a beautiful night and a happy rest

Thank you dear friend @jlufer for your words of encouragement. Have a lovely evening! Hugs

I have loved 'The Little Prince' since it got assigned to us as a book report back in my high school days. I have read it twice after at different stages in my life. I truly cherish the discussions in the book. What a lovely centerpiece for an outdoor park. I hope the rose bushes also survive for a long time. It's good to see a nice outdoor activity area in your park. So cute of Milo to be curious of the book. LOL! Wishing you success in your entrepreneurship project. Do enjoy your weekend!

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I also hope the bush survives for a long time. Milo is curious about everything, lol
Thank you for the best wishes:) Have a great week!

Mi querida amiga, ya te había extrañado y te iba a escribir, pero el tiempo hace de las suyas siempre y las horas en las que recuerdo que no te escribí no han sido decentes. Me alegra mucho que estés ilusionada con un nuevo proyecto, te lo aplaudo y espero que sea exitoso con el favor de Dios.

Qué bonita esta escultura de El Principito. Te cuento que es uno de mis libros preferidos, también me parece un regalo perfecto en cualquier momento, no me canso de leerlo y de recomendarlo. Desde hace tiempo, lo tengo en audiolibro y me encanta repetirlo. Cada vez lo aprecio más.

Espero que sigas bien, te mando un abrazo 🤗

Hola querida Aury!!

Ni que lo digas, el tiempo siempre hace de las suyas y a medida que nos pasan los años, al menos a mi me parece que pareciera que las horas son más cortas, jeje. Sí estoy empezando con una amiga un pequeño, o más bien debería decir minúsculo 😆 emprendimiento que involucra comida y eso es agotador cuando uno no está acostumbrado. Pero que te cuento, seguro que tú lo debes saber mejor que nadie. Pero vamos a ver que tal va el asunto. Y pienso que a medida que vayamos mejorando los procesos todo será más fácil.

Espero que todos estén bien en tu casa.
Muchas bendiciones para ustedes. Te mando un gran abrazo amiga!

The sculpture of the little princes in the park is according to that book, is that?

It looks like a nice park to enjoy some free time with the kids and family.


Nice. I still haven't read The Little Prince. Hopefully I'd find a copy one of these days.

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Sir Render

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