Bad Winter Days Ahead ~ Blizzard Conditions

in WE ARE MOVING8 months ago

11/12 January 2024



When I woke up yesterday (Thursday) watching the news I realized the weekend ahead is going to be bone chilling cold. I was off work Monday and Tuesday due to accumulation of snow. It was single digits temperature on the Fahrenheit side with a feel like temperatures in the negatives much of Thursday. Sounds cold but as I sit here on my Friday morning it's even colder and it's only going to get worse.

In my last post I showed you some ice sickles on my work building from Wenesday. Above is a shot of them from Thursday. They have grown a few inches but now they won't because it's just too cold. Not even a bright sun will melt because the cold won't allow. The sickles are created from heat leaking from the building and the sun melting the snow on the roof. The water rolls down the roof and starts to freeze before it completely falls off forming these ice sickles.

I stopped at the grocery store after work to pick up groceries to get me through Tuesday. It won't be warmer until Wednesday when temperatures will be in the 20's on the Farenheight side. I was not alone in thinking of picking up somethings. It was a zoo at the grocery store. Somethings were completely sold out.



Well overnight the wind decided to build some snow drifts surrounding my car. I guess Old Man Winter is saying stay home. I can only imagine what some of the streets and roads look like because this is just my driveway.

I took a screenshot of the projected weather today. More snow and some high winds. Visibility is basically referred to as white out. Feel like temperatures will be in the -10 to -30 range due to wind chill. Doesn't matter if it's Fahrenheit or Celsius thats freaking cold. Also it really doesn't matter where your at that is cold. Only place on earth where that wouldn't be cold would be Antarctica or near the North Pole.

I have already done my chores inside the house to prepare for it. I have turned all water faucets on to a drip. Opened kitchen and bathroom doors that contain plumming behind them. Down stairs I have placed a space heater near exposed waterlines and pipes.I tell you from past experience its no fun when a water line breaks.


As I sit here I really appreciate some hot coffee. I think coffee really taste better on a frigid cold day. Just looking out the window I feel the cold in my bones. I could be outside freezing my arse off but no, the coffee brings me warmth by drinking it and just holding the mug. I may go on with my coffee consumption a little longer today. Would you do the same coffee drinkers?

I think I will be ok holding off on the shoveling as many places such as schools, churches, and businesses are again closed today. Even the sanitation pick ups are cancelled today. So at some point I will need to bring my trash collections back close to the house before they get buried in snow from the snow plows. My work hasn't been called off yet which is surprising. If it doesn't there isn't a safe way for me to get there. I can't even get out of my driveway unless I shovel. I will call in today if it isn't called off but I still think they will close down. Sometimes they wait late to make the call.



The only good thing about Saturday and Sunday is there are lower possibilities of snow. However the temperatures will be even colder. Even without the wind, temperatures will be well into the negatives. Any wind with those lows are dangerous and no one should be in the elements for very long. Frost bite can hit your skin quickly and it only takes a few minutes.

Oh the look forward on the weather has got me thinking of what I can do inside the next few days. Perhaps I will do an inventory of my fishing equipment. There are some reels that need line replaced. I can also start prepping some of my ice fishing equipment. The ice on the lakes will be plenty thick after this weekend. Maybe in a week or two I will try my luck on the ice. Of course I won't go out if temperatures are as cold as they are now.



I'll end this post today with some shots from my back deck. As you can see the visibility is only 1/8 to 1/4 mile with the wind blowing snow around. I opened the patio door to take these pictures quickly. In that short time (less than 30 seconds) I felt the wind hit me and felt snow crystals hitting my hands and face. My hands stayed cold for a good 5 minutes after shutting the door. Let's go out and shovel!! Not yet and not now. I'm not alone as not a single neighbor is outside doing that yet.

That's it's for me today. Take care, stay safe and stay warm or cool depending where your at 😊


Yikes! That's too damn cold, big bro! Needs a huge cuppa coffee!! Stay safe out there and stay warm indoors!

It is bone chilling, country girl. Even colder today, a lot of cleaning and re-organizing being done inside. I did do some shoveling and starting the car. I had a T-shirt, hoodie, wind breaker and winter coat on. I worked on a 20-30 minute schedule.

That's a pain going out, big bro! Ain't fun!!!!

Woahhh! So cold and I can't imagined myself freezing in your place Bob lol😁. Keep safe always.

Yes one more day of this article cold. I think we get warmed up on Wednesday to -7 C for a day than we get -18C with more snow on Thursday. Next week suppose to be warmer with temp close to 0 C. Usually we experience freezing artic temps a week or two every winter but not this cold often maybe every 5-10 years.

I read from someone saying it's cold there at 18 C, hehe. Take care Jean


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I am already bed ridden and in these severe winters where I cannot tolerate -1 C which is not that much compared to you I have struggle taking a shower/bath or even walking also have issues with over eating oh I hate these winters no sunlight as well.

I wasn't going to shovel but I did.i wore a t-shirt, hoodie, wind breaker and my winter coat. With the wind it felt like -15 according to my phone. Was much worse earlier today.

I'd just be in a sweatshirt if it was -1 C, hehe

Try to take care of yourself. I don't mean tell you what to do but work on a good diet.

Regarding diet in the winters I consume two things more:

  1. More fried fish.
  2. More coffee
    Both above food items I take a lot during winters but the problem with these is that they are a bit expensive and am always running out of money so may be like 4 times a month maximum.

I drink too much coffee myself but if I were you I would consider drinking tea. If you can eat baked fish instead of fried. You would be surprised eating healthier can make you healthier

For baked fish I would have to put in oven my self but I do not know how to do it and that is why there is a shop near our home with a huge pan of oil so I tell that guy to fry fish for me.

I don't like the effect of tea as it has lower amount of caffeine also tea work only when it is really hot but my coffee I can take while it is mildly hot and not fully hot thats one of the reason I prefer coffee however it is quite expensive.

That is really terrible weather, even for winter. We didn't have such weather for years. This year we only had snow twice I believe, for a day or two, so that was nothing. I hope you're ok.

Yes this last week has been winter at its worse. I have been hoping for snow but not at this maganatude with the frigid temperatures. I'm doing fine a lot of time inside squaring somethings up 😊

What the heck!!?? Just to confirm, that is Fahrenheit? -16 is like -26 centigrade? That's freeeeezing! No wonder those ice sickles are so long, I thought you only get them like that in movies!

Oh yes it's Fahrenheit and I have deal with this until Tuesday 🥶 Add wind to that and it's bone chilling cold.

If I remember when I get out (when it's warmer) I'll take some pictures of some really long ice sickles. I've seen 20 foot (6 meters) long ones before. No guarantee I'll see them that long, usually businesses knock them down for safety reasons.

I can imagine they can be lethal, talk of destroying the evidence after a murder 😅

But if you do see any, would love to see it!

I'm just thinking, I can't live in a freezing place because I'm asthmatic hehe. Keep warm my friend.

The fall would be horrible for you here. Sometimes my allergies go crazy. The winter isn't so bad for those asthma but coming from a tropic area it would be a body shocker with the cold. The coldness is no joke been inside a lot, haha.

Just seeing your photos, I already feel cold. Maybe if you go out and shovel, you might freeze. Better you just prepare some delicious foods😁♥️.

I ended up shoveling yesterday 🥶 but it was warmer when I did it, only felt like -15 F (-26 C) haha. It did get as low -30 F and today it is even colder. Today cleaning though and thankfully it's not snowing anymore.

Wow, this place has some extreme temperatures. It can't be easy living in these weather conditions. I would struggle, perhaps because I'm not used to it.

This extreme cold often is only for two weeks a year here. A lot of staying inside unless you absolutely have to go out. Wednesday we will be back to double digit positive temperatures, well Fahrenheit wise. The roads are getting back to normal it quit snowing but the cold has not 🥶

What was the lowest temperature you had? Also let me know the unit of measurement, here in Europe we have degrees Celsius

With the wind chill it got as low as -40 Faherheight at times. The air temperatures were in the single to double digit negatives.

At that temperature it seems that the two units of measurement correspond and therefore it should be -40 °C. A very cold temperature indeed. Sorry for another question: But don't you have problems with cars at those very low temperatures?

Yes sometimes they won't start but usually will with a jump. It's very important to add additives to the fuel. I use a product called heat. Also not good to run tank low. I left the house today and my car took a couple turns to start

I'll be freezing if I were there, lol.. Did you guys stock a lot of foods before winter? I guess it's difficult to market during this kind of weather.. Keep warm out there..

Haha I'm even freezing right now. Actual covered up with a throw blanket, I don't think I will go outside today unless the sun shows it face.

We usually have a pantry and freezer full. I just picked up some perishable food.

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I don't think I could live in a place like yours. That's close to zero visibility! I like cold so I like winter but to live in a place like this makes me wanna dislike winter. 😅 Vacation is okay but everyday life? Nevermind. I think I'll consume a lot of hot drinks and stay home all day. 😂

Feels like -40 right now. Fornately this only happens for a few days usually each year. If it was all winter I would follow the geese South, haha. My dog wasted no time doing his thing and wanted back in immediately 😂