Surprising Science: Unveiling the Weird and Wonderful Facts to Kickstart 2024

in StemSocial9 months ago (edited)

It is a new year, and I guess it will be great that we start the year with a few science fact that you do not know, and might possibly sound weird. Welcome to the year 2024, although I see the beginning of a new year like every other year, but then, it helps me become accountable to days, time, and years. So without wasting any much of your time and mine, let's begin.

A lot of men who reproductive but young age group will be vast with the drug known as Viagra. They need it to allow the blood flow into the muscles of the penis so it can be erect but then do you know that just as it helps male organs become erect, it also helps wilted flowers stay erect for about a week more than normal. The medication slows the breakdown of that enzyme, allowing the vascular tissue of plants to stay open longer than expected. So when next you are taking that blue erectile pill, do not forget that your flowering neighbors might need them as well.


That said, there are a lot of that love having nutmeg in our food. As a child, I loved how it smell and would add it to my food, and so do a lot of you add it to your baking products or chocolate. While this is a very good herb, it can be poisonous to our health as consuming a lot of it can be dangerous. The herb contains Myristicin which is a compound that can be dangerous when consumed in excess leading to hallucination, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, abnormal heartbeat, and organ failure.

When I mentioned organs, i can imagine you looking thinking about your body organs, and that is why I will talk about the eyes. Do you know that from the day you are born your eye begins to grow and increase in size, it does so also in your 20s to about 24 millimeters where it is fully grown, after which it remains the same till death. But in comparison, every other part of your face grow till you are old.


So many of us love carrots and we do not joke with Carrot juice, but do you know that consuming 10 gallons of carrot juice can be fatal? Why on earth would I consume 10 gallons of carrot juice, I do not see myself doing that. This will happen because it is composed of vitamin A, and the excessive amount of the vitamin A in the body can lead to brain swelling, and inflammation causing cerebral Edema and this can lead to death.

While discussing the brain, it is important to know that it is covered by the skull, and the skull is made up of bones. But do you know that one quarter of the entire bones in your body is found in the feet? In one foot, there are about 26 bones and 33 joints with 52 joint in the feet alone out of the 206 bones in the body.


I am sure if I had said something funny, you would have laughed, and no doubt laughing is good for the body but there was a time in the year 1962 when there was the Tanganyika laughter epidemic in Tanzania. This led to the closure of 12 schools as a result of mass hysteria or mass psychogenic illness (MPI). People showed symptoms such as crying, fainting, developing rashes, and pain. So when next you are laughing very hard, remember that there was a laughing epidermic that sent people to the hospital at one point in time.

Science never ceases to amaze us with its myriad of quirky, fascinating, and sometimes bizarre facts. From the dual uses of Viagra to the dangers of overindulging in carrot juice, each fact reminds us of the endless wonders and oddities of the world around us. As we step into this new year, let's keep our minds open to learning more such intriguing aspects of our world. Happy 2024, and stay curious!



Oh wow, learnt something new from reading this post, I didn't knew any of these before! The laughter epidemic leading to school closures was really funny!

We live in a wonderful and amazing world, science plays a pivotal part in helping us uncover it.

Happy 2024 to you too!

Thanks a lot for taking time to read my post, I am glad you learnt something. Happy New Year to you too.

Viagra on plants? Wow!! I am going to do a DIY on this. I will go get it from the pharmacy and will give it a try because I must try this. Thanks for sharing this impressive post and Happy new year to you.

haha!! You should, as we know what is science without experimenting.

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