Stacker of the week 68

in FreeCompliments25 days ago

Welcome to the Stacker of the week 68!

Our winner for week 67 is @enginewitty with a Pimpin donation link here

Week 68 nominees

The 4 nominations for the latest stacker of the week are.

@Short descriptionLinkPhoto
@thelivingworldGetting to know coinslink
@bulliontoolsFinacial apocolypse silverlink
@goldroosterLast of the silverlink
@ironshieldLast quarterlink

Please vote for out stacker of the week 68 in the inelo poll here

Our last weeks stacker of the week 67 post here

On behalf of the #silvergoldstackers community I would like to express our gratitude to everyone who has been involved in and supported the Stacker of the Week initiative so far. A special thank you goes to @leofinance, @ocd, @theycallmedan, and @blocktrades for their ongoing support. Your contributions are truly appreciated.

I am a financial advisor ! If you can't take personal responsibility for you investing, I hate to brake it to ya, but you ain't nothing but a sucka, you supposed to lose your shit.

@bitcoinman's bits of wisdom

  • Invest only what you can afford to lose and be mindful of the potential risks.
  • Unless you can accept delivery stay away from futures and stick to physical.
  • Leverage is a great tool for losing money fast.
  • Numismatics for the lows stick to smart stacking baby.
  • Be cautious of new schemes in crypto, like ICOs, DeFi, and NFTs, do your research before investing.

hive bullion exhange.jpeg

Buy DUO and stake to receive Hive dividends, tip others, have your posts curated and grow Hive!
Learn more about DUO here

You can find out more about the #silvergoldstackers community in the post below

HOC Hive Onboarding Committee discord link here

FridayStacker of the week
SaturdayLazy Saturday post

Profit share

@enginewitty gets a 60% profit share from this post for being our stackers of the week 67, and 20% goes to @weeklytops for helping with organization and promotion.

With this being a community post I can't really do a profit share for the reblog lottery since its supposed to go to our winner/winners and sponsor but fear not our reblog lottery winner will be announced and get their profit share in the next post.

That's it for today's post thanks for stopping by your support is truly appreciated.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Inleo is down. I vote for @ironshield's post! 😁

I can only make that happen if it's down indefinitely 🤣 !DOOK !PIMP !hiqvote

You must be killin' it out here!
@bitcoinman just slapped you with 1.000 PIMP, @bulliontools.
You earned 1.000 PIMP for the strong hand.
They're getting a workout and slapped 1/3 possible people today.


Read about some PIMP Shit or Look for the PIMP District

You just got DOOKed!
@bitcoinman thinks your content is the shit.
They have 1/400 DOOK left to drop today.
Learn all about this shit in the toilet paper! 💩

Inleo makes it impossible to even find your account, let alone this post, using their frontend.

It's way too much work just to cast a vote.

@bitcoinman, the HiQ Smart Bot has recognized your request (2/3) and will start the voting trail.

In addition, @bulliontools gets !COFFEE from @hiq.redaktion.

For further questions, check out or join our Discord. And don't forget to vote HiQs fucking Witness! 😻


!PIMP this !SHIT

The most pimp shit !PIMP !DOOK !hiqvote

You just got DOOKed!
@bitcoinman thinks your content is the shit.
They have 3/400 DOOK left to drop today.
Learn all about this shit in the toilet paper! 💩

You must be killin' it out here!
@bitcoinman just slapped you with 10.000 PIMP, @summertooth.
You earned 10.000 PIMP for the strong hand.
They're getting a workout and slapped 3/3 possible people today.


Read about some PIMP Shit or Look for the PIMP District


You must be killin' it out here!
@summertooth just slapped you with 20.000 PIMP, @bitcoinman.
You earned 20.000 PIMP for the strong hand.
They're getting a workout and slapped 4/4 possible people today.


Read about some PIMP Shit or Look for the PIMP District

You must be killin' it out here!
@summertooth just slapped you with 20.000 PIMP, @bitcoinman.
You earned 20.000 PIMP for the strong hand.
They're getting a workout and slapped 4/4 possible people today.


Read about some PIMP Shit or Look for the PIMP District

@bitcoinman, the HiQ Smart Bot has recognized your request (3/3) and will start the voting trail.

In addition, @summertooth gets !LOOL from @hiq.redaktion.

For further questions, check out or join our Discord. And don't forget to vote HiQs fucking Witness! 😻

Zwei Kannibalen unter sich: Stell dir vor - ich habe gestern einen Schauspieler gegessen. Und?
Sehr gut, kein Rückgrat und ne riesige Leber!

Credit: solymi
@summertooth, ich habe dir im Namen von @hiq.smartbot einen $LOLZ Token gesendet
Verwende den Befehl !WITZ oder !LOOL, um einen Witz und ein $LOLZ zu teilen.

Delegate Hive Tokens to Farm $LOLZ and earn 110% Rewards. Learn more.

𝔇𝔬𝔫𝔢 𝔰𝔦𝔯. 𝔦𝔱'𝔰 𝔱𝔢𝔞 𝔱𝔦𝔪𝔢.

Appreciate you , enjoy the tea !DOOK !PIMP !hiqvote

You must be killin' it out here!
@bitcoinman just slapped you with 5.000 PIMP, @kerrislravenhill.
You earned 5.000 PIMP for the strong hand.
They're getting a workout and slapped 2/3 possible people today.


Read about some PIMP Shit or Look for the PIMP District

You just got DOOKed!
@bitcoinman thinks your content is the shit.
They have 2/400 DOOK left to drop today.
Learn all about this shit in the toilet paper! 💩

You awsome @bitcoinman for all your fun you bring. And ofcourse those silver is badass.. Ohh tittyass 😜 Buwahahaha... Good win @enginewitty and great donations.


Ya.. We know 😜 Buwahahaha
#wittyloveshistitties (.) (.)

Nice win Witty….👍🏻

With titties on his side it was not a fair race 🤣 !DOOK

You just got DOOKed!
@bitcoinman thinks your content is the shit.
They have 4/400 DOOK left to drop today.
Learn all about this shit in the toilet paper! 💩

🤣 Hahahaha


You received an upvote of 90% from Precious the Silver Mermaid!

Thank you for contributing more great content to the #SilverGoldStackers tag.
You have created a Precious Gem!

@bitcoinman, the HiQ Smart Bot has recognized your request (1/3) and will start the voting trail.

In addition, @bitcoinman gets !PIZZA from @hiq.redaktion.

For further questions, check out or join our Discord. And don't forget to vote HiQs fucking Witness! 😻


$PIZZA slices delivered:
@summertooth(2/10) tipped @bitcoinman



Oh no! @enginewitty, you need more DUO Tokens!
You need to Stake at least 500 DUO.
(We will not send this error message for 24 hours).
Learn all about DUO here.

You must be killin' it out here!
@enginewitty just slapped you with 1.000 PIMP, @bitcoinman.
You earned 1.000 PIMP for the strong hand.
They're getting a workout and slapped 1/4 possible people today.


Read about some PIMP Shit or Look for the PIMP District

On another note, where is the support from OCD and the two Dans?


You must be killin' it out here!
@tokenpimp just slapped you with 10.000 PIMP, @enginewitty.
You earned 10.000 PIMP for the strong hand.
They're getting a workout and slapped 3/3 possible people today.


Read about some PIMP Shit or Look for the PIMP District


Sorry @tokenpimp, this post is older than 7 Days days.
There are plenty of other great posts out there!
(We will not send this error message for 24 hours).
Learn all about DUO here.