Prints for Them Kids & a lil LPUD/Reblog Lottery

in The City of Neoxian22 days ago


Welcome in this post I share some neat bath toys I 3d printed for my kids.
We got 2 boats the same model just scaled up, the boat was being labelled as a floating boat but as you can see this plane I printed is also floating fairly well.

The average density of PLA the plastic that I used and is the most popular in the 3d printing community is more dense than water but so is steel and them ships float it's science you see,
These are not solid.


You may notice the prints got some different colors and that is because I used filament that changes color when it's hot in the picture above you can see it start to change into white however the infill lines could be seen since they did not get a chance to heat up and turn white yet so they are visible.

It's possible to print things that are totally solid but that will use up more material and take up more time and usually is not necessary unless you want a super strong part

lil LPUD

Screenshot_20240615_192435_Hive Keychain.jpg
Happy LPUD I did a lil power up, my earning of liquid LEO not too high but I did power up the 130 I I got bringing up my lEO stake to total of 7556

Reblog lottery

We got 33 participants for our reblog lottery this time around.

@bitandi @blitzzzz @cheeamaka @daniasi @dgi @dreamingirwin @duckmotor @ekads @esbat @florakese @guurry123 @henruc @ihsanbayor07 @jorgebgt @kungfukid @ladymisa @logen9f @mirroredspork @monsterbuster @mxm0unite @olaf.gui @oskarl21 @putu300 @scfather @servelle @stekene @sylmarill @trautenberk @vaynard86 @vrezion @vrezyy @ydm6669 and @youloseagain

and the winner this time around is....


Looks like we go a dud better luck next time.

@cheeamaka! Congratulations enjoy your 10% profit share on this post and 5 HBI units , more about

The reblog lottery continues so be sure to reblog this post to qualify, for a minimum 10% profit share on my next post and 5 HBI units (bonus wheel)

This is all done automatically and I apply the winner to be a beneficiary for the post.

Only reblogs before tomorrow 8pm Eastern Standard Time qualify for the lottery.

I am a financial advisor ! If you can't take personal responsibility for you investing, I hate to brake it to ya, but you ain't nothing but a sucka, you supposed to lose your shit.

@bitcoinman's bits of wisdom

  • Invest only what you can afford to lose and be mindful of the potential risks.
  • Unless you can accept delivery stay away from futures and stick to physical.
  • Leverage is a great tool for losing money fast.
  • Numismatics for the lows stick to smart stacking baby.
  • Be cautious of new schemes in crypto, like ICOs, DeFi, and NFTs, do your research before investing.

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Profit share

10% of this post earnings go to @cheeamaka for being our reblog lottery winner.
10% goes to the HOC community account

That's it for today's post thanks for stopping by your support is truly appreciated.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Its really dope that you can do something like that for the kids...

You said it's not solid... What is it?

🤣 the plastic is a solid and only turns to liquid while it's coming out of the nozzle during printing and is then cooled back to solid , I meant not solid as in the volume is not totally filled with plastic with 3d printing it's possible to make parts with various degrees of infill , so you can print a shell with 0 infill meaning the inside will be totally hollow, if you print at 50% infill it's will be 50% hollow, for the prints in this post I used a 10% infill so the inside of the prints is 90% empty space !BBH

Ahhh i see...

As it's hollow, it can then easily float...

That's nice...


Great power up! You got a great hobby there with the 3D printing. I keep thinking about trying it but then I realize it's a hobby that could get expensive very quickly...

For the most part it's not too bad but I make things a lot worse I really push the printers and also I'm not great at taking care of my work tools 🤣 you can get a reasonable printer for about 200 and if you are not as careless you probably will be alright and will not have to deal with repairs for a while, especially if you stick with just regular PLA plastic, specialty filament usually come with special problems 🤣 !BBH !LOL !ALIVE !PIMP

Good to know! Specialty filaments may have special problems but there must be some cool options available in them or you wouldn't try to use them!
!BBH maybe, if it is working yet

You must be killin' it out here!
@thebighigg just slapped you with 1.000 PIMP, @bitcoinman.
You earned 1.000 PIMP for the strong hand.
They're getting a workout and slapped 1/2 possible people today.


Read about some PIMP Shit or Look for the PIMP District

Totally lots of cool options and stuff you can do but can be a lot more challenging to print and is more likely to cause breakdowns!BBH

You must be killin' it out here!
@bitcoinman just slapped you with 1.000 PIMP, @thebighigg.
You earned 1.000 PIMP for the strong hand.
They're getting a workout and slapped 1/3 possible people today.


Read about some PIMP Shit or Look for the PIMP District

I wonder if glass coffins will become popular one day?
Remains to be seen.

Credit: reddit
@thebighigg, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of bitcoinman




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