Controversial Much.... weekend-engagement #193

in Weekend Experiences8 months ago

Greetings everyone!😊

It's the weekend and this means time for some weekend-engagement. The topics this week are so interesting, I wish I could write on all of them but I've never been swallowed by a snake before, hahaha, so that crosses one topic out.

The topic I chose is...

Do you have a controversial opinion on something? What is it?

There are certain issues that are topics of controversy in our various societies. Some range from politics, football, entertainment, education and religious issues to relationships and family issues.


One issue I have a controversial opinion about is relating to men who are in a committed relationship yet they keep some by the side. I will shed more light on this as we progress.

In Africa especially Nigeria, polygamy used to be the "in thing". In fact, any man who ever only married one woman, was regarded as a weakling. It was a proof of manliness when a man possessed a harem of women.

With the advent of colonization and education, such ideology and practices began to dissipate but seriously "who can change a leopard's spots?"

Men claim to be married to one woman and yet still keep what we Nigerians refer to as "side chicks" without the wives being aware of it untill all hell breaks loose.


One time, several years ago, a discussion erupted amongst some guys at my place of work. What drew my attention to the discuss was when a man said..

"How can you expect me to eat one type of food all my life?"

After hearing such ridiculous figurative language which was portraying the man's wife as "food", my neck did a 270 degrees turn as my whole body followed suit. I stepped up to the group and voiced my displeasure at such an unpleasant idiomatic expression.


I asked him to get married to the women and bring them altogether if he feels that what he's doing is proper and immediately his face became pale. He began to sweat while under the air conditioner. This made the rest of us to burst out laughing. Finally regaining his composure, he said that his wife must not know of his affairs or he will be dead meat.

I also went ahead to ask him if he would be happy to hear that his daughter's husband is also doing the same thing and that was when he realized my point. He wouldn't want any man to hurt his daughter and yet he was doing the exact same thing to other people's daughters.

I have never been afraid to voice my mind powerfully like "king Mufasa" against such because it is so prevalent in my country so much so that it's heartbreaking.

I am a firm believer in having a lover per time, not many lovers per time. If a man claims to love me, then I have to be his number one and only choice. There's no room for seconds. Then again if a man feels that he cannot be faithful to one woman then he should be straight forward from the onset and let the "lady" know that "he wants to walk the ancient paths of polygamy". I believe this gives the lady a fore sight into what to expect and if she's okay with it, then she stays and accepts all the shenanigans that come with it willingly.

As far as I know, polygamy is not a crime in my country as long as the man can take care of his harem, it is allowed. Although society shuns it, I think it's still better than deceiving vulnerable girls, messing around with them by the
side while portraying a good family man at home.

I drop my pen.

Thank you all for reading, also do share your thoughts in the comments section below..shalom

Images used are mine.


Props to you for having the courage to voice your opinion! I still have trouble with that sometimes 😅

When I was in university a little over a decade ago, we studied Arabic language and literature but in addition to that, we also dug into that aspect of the life in some of the more traditional countries in the Middle East. We were surprised to learn that polygamy was still something very commonly practiced over there.
I completely agree with your point of view. There's a lot of selfishness that goes into making that choice. I also don't understand why men are viewed as weak if they dedicate themselves to one woman only - the worst is that you will hear this all over the world. I can speak for Bulgaria mostly as I grew up there and noticed how boys/ men would congratulate themselves for being able to score side chicks while in a relationship.
Let's not forget the double standard that also plays a huge role or the fact that men put their wives/ gfs in danger of contracting some STDs...

Fingers crossed things change in the future.

I'm also with you on this as well.

Thanks for your contribution

One thing some men don’t understand is that having more than one wife doesn’t grant them authority, and the funniest thing is they try to bring them into the same home and expect peace to reign. If a man thinks he can do that, they should put themselves in women's shoes. Can two men live happily in the same house? I guess not.

Men who think they can handle two wives are actually harming themselves because at some point, they'll regret their actions. As a believer and a born-again Christian, the idea of men having multiple wives or side chicks is not acceptable. It actually diminishes their manhood, and I find those men unworthy of any woman’s time. Like the scripture says, 'He who finds a wife finds a good thing,' so they should stick to their wife because she’s all they need.

You can say it louder again and again. Polygamy does not benefit anyone in any way, the same as having side chicks. These men ruin their lives and the lives of the so called side chick as well.

A real man is one that is loyal and faithful to one woman all his life.

Thank you for your lovely contribution. I appreciate you 😍