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RE: Meme dump time!

in #meme11 months ago

I feel like I can relate to most of these with the exception on the dating app one. I've been with my wife since 14 so that one is out the window.. last time I asked a girl out (my wife), my line was "You wana go out?" and that meant to the mall to walk around a little.

The first one where the dog wants to get up and is like yeah I'm in.. I saw that on 9gag and laughed. Pepper was like that.. Molly would probably just say "F you, I'm not movin.. make sure you come back soon though and bring me something when you do".

Good luck with the dating. I have a cousin that is in the same boat, but he has very unrealistic expectations. I met an older lady at a bar a few months back.. she thought Google Meet was a dating app. 😆


I think that the main problem with dating is that everyone had unrealistic expectations and I include myself in that mix. Dating Vietnamese are Thai women is a mixed bag and I have quite a bit of experience in this realm. I'm sure you have seen the pictures with fat older guy wandering around with a petite and gorgeous 25 year old Asian girl. There is no denying what that is all about, that's for sure. This is one caveat, a lot of these girls are looking for free rides in life and I guess if they are willing to date fat dudes that are 40 years old than them they deserve that Anna Nicole Smith life!

Cultural differences are fun at first, but they quickly become a pain in the ass. NO offense to other cultures but I don't actually want to acclimate to everything ok? I don't expect you to either. Language barriers are a no go for me. My reluctantly-setup-Tinder profile says in the first like "if you can't speak a meaningful level of English, there's no way this will work out." Sorry, but I'm not learning any more languages, I already know 2.5 and now the brain is full.