in Silver Bloggers5 months ago

One of the things I inherited from my mother was the habit of keeping objects as a souvenir of past times. Sadly I lost many of them because they were deteriorated, others got wet in boxes due to moving mishaps, and so I have been recovering little by little some of them that like the physical photographic records, take me back to unforgettable times that I will always love.

I wanted to make a recount of several treasures from the past, including black and white photographs, the coins and bills we used to use, books that are up to a century old, musical material, among many other things. I confess that while I was gathering them, I spent a long time evoking those beautiful times, since many of them are from my youth, back in the 70s, 80s and 90s.

Our Spotify of those times evolved in this way. First, we used cassettes, and to record them was an odyssey, but we enjoyed making mixes inside them, especially when we wanted to grab a song from the radio. I have a large collection of these, along with some vinyl records that I still have, and my large collection of compact discs.

Collecting books for me is a hobby, and I can keep in this one, books more than a century old that were from my grandparents, gifts that they have given me throughout my life, and those that I myself have acquired over the years, but those books that become relics because of their antiquity, for me are a treasure.

I have also kept my mother's exercise guides and her manuals for knitting, embroidery and handicrafts. She created her own magazines by cutting out what she liked from newspapers and variety magazines. In that way, she created a sort of newspaper library with everything she wanted to have on hand.

Another treasure I found in my trunk of memories was my collection of Snoopy notebooks from my last years of school and college, as well as my first reading and subject books. They were editions where you could even notice the absence of color illustrations. There was no internet and we had to read a lot to complete our daily research.

Not to mention the coins and banknotes that have been losing value, and we are saving them. Of each discontinued version, there were many accumulated, and it is surprising from what date I have collected them.

I also like to keep all my children's notebooks, as well as their exams, school newsletters, and even their little letters to me and to Baby Jesus. I love to watch the evolution of each one over time, how their handwriting changed and how organized they were with their workbooks.

Another memory I treasure are the correspondences from the past, our chats from those times, cards, letters sent by friends and family from other cities and countries, postcards, notes, how much our customs have changed and how we have been adapting to those changes.

And finally, the photographic records in black and white format, my mother had many saved and I keep them as part of her legacy.

Thank you very much for visiting my blog. It will be until another time to bring more treasures from the past.


Las imágenes pertenecen a mi archivo personal // The images are from my personal archive
El traductor utilizado es: Deepl Translator // The translator used is: Deepl Translator
Separadores cortesía de eve66 // Dividers courtesy of eve66.

Contenido Original del Autor
Aplicaciones: Canva, PhotoScape, Instagram, Inshot y Pixiz.
Traducción: Deepl Traductor
Las imágenes personales son tomadas con un dispositivo móvil Android Xiaomi Redmi 9 de mi propiedad.
Las imágenes utilizadas en los banners, minibanners, gifs y separadores, son cortesía de Pixabay.
Derechos Reservados del Autor: @annafenix (2021 – 2024)

Original Author Content
Applications: Canva, PhotoScape, Instagram, Inshot and Pixiz.
Translation: Deepl Translator
Personal images are taken with an Android Xiaomi Redmi 9 mobile device owned by me.
Images used in banners, minibanners, gifs and separators, are courtesy of Pixabay.
© Copyright: @annafenix (2021 - 2024)



Treasures of our past one simply cannot let go of, perhaps make sure they are inherited down the family to those who appreciate these.

That's right honey, I'd like to think that future generations will hold on to them as fondly as I do.

I'm sure they will if they are able.

What a treasure trove @annafenix. I've been decluttering, but mostly homeware; memories like these I will not throw out though. A lovely post!

Hi cute friend, thank you so much for your appreciation. Truly, as I go about sorting through so many little things in storage, I unlock an immense amount of beautiful memories. A hug!!!


Thank you very much for supporting my content.

Hello @annafenix

This is @coquicoin and I'm part of the Silver Bloggers’ Community Team.

Thank you for sharing your excellent post in the Silver Bloggers community! As a special "token" of appreciation for this contribution to our community, it has been upvoted and curated.


Hi @coquicoin, thank you very much for the support, it's a pleasure to share with you these memories. Greetings!!!

What a lot of little treasures you keep. I love old family photos even from before I was born, I feel it is a beautiful way to connect with our roots.
Thank you for sharing your treasures with us in the community.
Saludos y feliz domingo!

This is one of my mother's legacies that I love the most, valuing material details and treasuring them. I was sad to part with many that I had, after she died, but they were so deteriorated that they fell apart in my hands. The photos, in spite of the time, are very well preserved. You are right, how many things can be known in them of moments where I did not even think to be born. It was a pleasure to share them, a big hug.



I liked looking at your memories. Today all photos are digital, but there is something special about holding one in your hand while looking at it.

Thank you. Since photos have gone digital we have lost that thrill of waiting for the development to see how they came out, and that process of filling the photo album that was so much fun. Looking at the albums was like sitting down to look at an illustrated storybook. Today, looking at those photos is like going back to unforgettable times.

Yes, I agree. I have many albums and love to look through them. I recently found 6 rolls of film that I have no idea who or what is on them, I took them to Walmart but they no longer have a photo lab, I have to find somewhere else to get them developed someone told me Walgreens will do it but I have not been there yet.

Feliz domingo de recuerdos @annafenix. ´´Te pareces tanto a mí … ´´Aunque no venga al caso la canción, es una realidad.
Mis discos de acetato se quedaron en una caja olvidada en la última mudanza, un cajón lleno de cintas de casetes termino en la basura en una limpieza general, junto con algunas barajas a las que faltaban cartas. Estampillas, monedas y fotos de un siglo guardadas en álbumes, cajas y hasta una maleta repleta con algunos negativos y recuerdos de una vida que ya parece anterior a esta.
De los libros, en estantes, armarios y cajones. Algunos con tapas de cartón pegadas, para que no sigan desojándose. Mientras sea posible, seguirán acumulando polvo y alguna vez releídos.
Sin saber si las generaciones futuras les dedicaran una mirada antes de desecharlos.

Un cordial saludo y hasta otra ocasión.

Hola Felix, te leo y siento lo mismo. No sé si las futuras generaciones van a valorar estos tesoros como nosotros. En estos días veía los libros en la biblioteca y pensaba que para los demás es sólo un adorno. Yo los estoy tratando de leer todos poco a poco, algún día terminaré, jajaja, pero realmente me di cuenta que el mundo digital apartó a muchos de esta valiosa actividad. Imagino que el baúl de los recuerdos pasará algún día a mejor vida si al pasar del tiempo lo ven seguir agarrando polvo como tus cajas. Se necesita un espíritu conservador para atesorar tantos detalles así. Gracias por dejarme este valioso comentario. Saludos!!

Hola Anna, me hiciste recordar que en esa época había un programa de TV y radio llamado la korokoteca donde hablaban de todos esos recuerdos del pasado. Saludos por traernos esos objetos que muchos sesentones todavía guardamos.

Me habría encantado escuchar ese programa. Lo que sí recuerdo es que los locutores ponían set de canciones sin interrupción de propagandas para poder grabarlas en casettes, y yo me divertía muchísimo armando mi recopilación de temas del top. Qué bueno que disfrutaste este post y evocaste un poco de esa época de oro. Saludos!!

Claro, tampoco había muchos anunciantes como ahora y los espacios te permitían poner mucha música, soy locutor de la vieja escuela, y me encantan los programas donde no hay interrupción de comerciales. Pero hay que facturar como dice Shakira. Saludos, es grato que todavía haya gente joven que le gusten esos años 70

 5 months ago Reveal Comment