I return to Hive, things that have happened to me ENG/ESP

in #hive4 months ago

I return to Hive, things that have happened to me / Regreso a Hive, cosas que me han pasado

Mis últimas entradas a HIVE fueron hace un año y durante mucho tiempo pensé en regresar varias veces. Mi vida ha cambiado de una forma muy hermosa. Durante este tiempo lejos de la comunidad nos mudamos y comenzamos un programa de radio y podcast. Algo que fue un proyecto durante un largo tiempo lo logramos concretar. Este podcast se llama “La Colmena Curiosa”, dónde realizamos entrevistas a personas con diferentes experiencias de vida.

My last entries to HIVE were a year ago and for a long time I thought about returning several times. My life has changed in a very beautiful way. During this time away from the community we moved and started a radio show and podcast. Something that was a project for a long time, we managed to achieve. This podcast is called “La Colmena Curiosa” (The Curious Hive), where we interview people with different life experiences.


Podcast and radio show - La Colmena Curiosa (The Curious Hive)

Este último año ha sido un año de muchos cambios, dónde hemos logrado concretar diferentes proyectos que eran apenas sueños. Hubo etapas de mucho dolor, de tristeza, de pasar por momentos duros. Sin embargo la constancia, la perseverancia y el enfoque han sido de gran ayuda para poder llegar a este punto exacto.

This last year has been a year of many changes, where we have managed to complete different projects that were just dreams. There were stages of great pain, sadness, going through hard times. However, perseverance, perseverance and focus have been of great help in reaching this exact point.


Our bamboo forest and I (This plant in Uruguay is called Tacuara)

Poder renovarnos, poder lograr avances siempre viene acompañado de responsabilidades que se van agregando. Ahora vivimos en un hermoso bosque, nuestro bosque, en el campo, dónde siempre soñamos estar. Es hermoso poder compartir con personas que nos apoyen, porque a veces nos sentimos solos y desanimados, pero es en ese momento cuando más tenemos que darle valor a nuestra vida. Estoy infinitamente agradecida por la oportunidad de este momento exacto en mi vida. Quiero poder continuar con mi blog en HIVE, que es otra de las cosas que siempre me gustaron y que tanta felicidad le dio a mi vida desde el inicio. Gracias comunidad.

Being able to renew ourselves, being able to achieve progress always comes accompanied by responsibilities that are added. Now we live in a beautiful forest, our forest, in the countryside, where we always dream of being. It is beautiful to be able to share with people who support us, because sometimes we feel alone and discouraged, but it is at that moment when we have to give value to our lives the most. I am infinitely grateful for the opportunity of this exact moment in my life. I want to be able to continue with my blog on HIVE, which is another of the things that I always liked and that gave so much happiness to my life from the beginning. Thank you community.


La Colmena Curiosa (The Curious Hive) - Nuestro Primer Podcast (Our first podcast)