Light and coffee: a friendly dialogue / Luz y café: un diálogo amigable. || Coffee Shop Prompt #46 (Eng. - Esp.)

in Cinnamon Cup Coffee9 months ago (edited)

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Somewhere I read that light caused serotinin to be triggered in our system. I don't know if this is a statement with scientific rigour, but it certainly has spiritual validity for me. Light energizes me, makes my body feel good in many different ways: the incendiary light of my city at noon makes me move fast; twilight (which in my city is extraordinarily beautiful) always helps me to calm down, especially on walks; starlight induces thoughts....

Artificial lighting, of course, also greatly influences my perception of spaces. I want to emphasize it: I pay attention to lighting, it is important in my relationship with the world, perhaps because I have been myopic since I was a child, (like @marlyncabrera, who rightly talks about this in her post), a condition that greatly limits the perception of the world for someone like me, who has always been interested in art.

For this very reason, the Christmas season is a particularly happy time. Everywhere is illuminated, and coffee shops are no exception.

A café where it's raining lights

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La Panetteria at Christmas is very pleasant. It is a coffee shop/ bakery that I have already seen is very popular among the Cumaneses who live in this community. This café is very close to my house, which is all the more reason to visit it frequently.

This Christmas they did not skimp on lights, a circumstance that serves me to reflect briefly on the theme of this call.

Aside from being a very well-lit place, La Panetteria hung a good amount of cascading lights. They were distributed throughout the windows. The multiplying effect of the reflection on the glass is really beautiful. In addition, this coffee shop served coffee in glass cups, which allows you to clearly appreciate what you are consuming.


In my opinion, light and coffee converse amicably while I drink my coffee.
This was a cappuccino I had in December in the company of my sister, @marlyncabrera. I think she picked up the tab 😁. It was delicious.

Light and coffee, the best combination

I prefer well-lit cafes, where you can appreciate the details and colors (La Panetteria has a beautiful combination of vibrant colors, crystals, and warm materials).
A very important point, for which it is worth sacrificing the possible intimate atmosphere of less well-lit places, is that the light allows you to appreciate the neatness of the place.

Doing this post I discovered that I don't usually take selfies, so I don't have any pictures of myself, I'll try for the next one.
For now, I leave you another one of the nice play of lights of this coffee shop.

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Thanks for the company. You are always welcome.

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Luz y café: un diálogo amigable

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En algúna parte leí que la luz hacía que se disparara la serotinina en nuestro sistema. No sé si esto sea una afirmación con rigor científico, pero, sin duda, para mí tiene validez espiritual. La luz me dinamiza, hace que mi cuerpo se sienta bien de muy distintas formas: la luz incendiaria de mi ciudad a mediodía hace que me mueva rápido; la luz crepuscular (que en mi ciudad es extraordinariamente hermosa) siempre me ayuda a serenarme, sobre todo en los paseos; la luz de las estrellas me induce a los pensamientos...

La iluminación artificial, por supuesto, también influye enormemente en mi percepción de los espacios. Quiero destacarlo: me fijo en la iluminación, es importante en mi relación con el mundo, quizás porque desde muy niña he sido miope (como @marlyncabrera, quien habla acertadamente de esto en su post), una condición que limita mucho la percepción del mundo para alguien como yo, que siempre me he interesado por el arte visual.

Por esto mismo, la época navideña es especialmente feliz. Todos los sitios están iluminados, y las cafeterías no son la excepción.

Una cafetería donde llueven luces

La Panettería en Navidad es muy agradable. Es una cafetería / panadería que ya he visto que es muy popular entre los cumaneses que hacen vida en esta comunidad. Esta cafetería queda muy cerca de mi casa, razón adicional para visitarla con frecuencia.

Esta Navidad no escatimaron en luces, circunstancia que me sirve para reflexionar brevemente sobre el tema de esta convocatoria.

Aparte de ser un local muy bien luminado, La Panettería colgó una buena cantidad de luces en cascada. Fueron repartidas por todas las vidrieras. El efecto multiplicador del reflejo en los cristales es realmente hermoso. A esto sumo el acierto de esta cafetería de servir el café en tazas de vidrio, lo que permite apreciar con claridad lo que consumes.


En mi opinión luz y café conversan amigablemente mientras tomo mi café.
Este fue un capuccino que tomé en diciembre en compañía de mi hermana, @marlyncabrera. Creo que ella pagó la cuenta 😁. Estaba delicioso.

Luz y café, el mejor binomio

Prefiero las cafeterías bien iluminadas, donde puedas apreciar los detalles y los colores (La Panetteria tiene una hermosa combinación de colores vibrantes, cristales, y materiales cálidos).
Un punto muy importante, por el cual merece la pena sacrificar el posible clima íntimo de locales menos iluminados, es que la luz permite apreciar la pulcritud del lugar.

Haciendo este post descubrí que no suelo hacer selfies, de manera que no tengo fotografías de mí misma.Intentaré para la próxima.
De momento, les dejo otra del agradable juego de luces en los cristales de esta cafetería.

WhatsApp Image 2024-01-09 at 11.14.56 AM.jpeg

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All photographs were taken by me with my Redmi Note 9 cell phone. The dividers were also made by me with the open source program GIMP.

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Gracias por la compañía. Bienvenidos siempre.

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It's not a selfie, but you're there, hehe.


Dim light makes spaces more intimate, that's true. A brighter atmosphere is better for real conversation, I think, and more if you're myopic 🤭

With my cat mug! Thank you, @marlyncabrera . That afternoon was beautiful. @Sandracabrera really interpreted my feelings.
That mug deserves its own post.

Hola @adncabrera, mencionas dos cosas importantes en mi vida, la luz y el café (este segundo elemento quizás pueda ser prescindible, no sé). No me ha resultado extraño leer sobre la relación que mantienes con la luz, esto es independiente de la vista, así lo creo. Espero que sigas disfrutando de tu hermosa relación con el universo. Un saludo

Hola, @enraizar .
La luz es un fundamento de la existencia. Tengo mucha sensibilidad a ella, y es, a veces más allá de una sensación (que puede llegar a ser casi táctil), una forma de ser.
El café es en este esquema un puente. El maravilloso elemento que permite tanto la sociabilidad como la posibilidad de estar agradablemente solo. Ambas cosas son importantes para mí de diferentes maneras.
Escribí gran parte de mi tesis de máster en un café..... Y eso no fue circunstancial.

Un abrazo enorme a principios de año. Gracias por pasar por aquí.

Hi, @enraizar .
Light is a foundation of existence. I have a lot of sensitivity to it, and it is, at times beyond a sensation (which can become almost tactile), a way of being.
Coffee is this scheme a bridge. The wonderful element that allows for both sociability and the possibility of being pleasantly alone. Both are important to me in different ways.
I wrote much of my Master's thesis in a cafe.... And that was not circumstantial.

A huge hug at the beginning of the year. Thanks for stopping by!

Hello there!

It's great to see you stop by. Here's a coffee on the house.

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Have a Coffee-Licious Day
From the Cinnamon Cup Coffee team.🤗

Photo and logo is the property of millycf1976. The image was edited in Canva.

Thanks for stopping by to look at my post. You are an amazing community and I have already started looking and discovering delights.
Congratulations for creating the opportunity for these gatherings.

I love to go to @lapanetteria, it is super beautiful, good coffee and desserts, in addition to its cordial attention since it was born, I have visited it, and above all its decorations its interior space can be seen very well because it is super LIGHTED, important element in a cafeteria or food restaurant, I also like places like this, that good family get-together and those cups of gifts. greetings

Thanks for commenting on my post. The suspicion is confirmed: it is a popular cafe among Cumaneses... And its lighting has a lot to do with it.
I have spent many pleasant moments there. Bread is also very good.
Best wishes to you.

Beautiful lighting makes the place look more pleasant and comfortable. Personally, it is what I look for in coffee shops, the light has a psychological effect on people and they feel better.

Thanks for sharing your experience with us.☕

Good day.

Thanks to you for stopping by, @rinconpoetico7. It's good to corroborate that perception.
Have beautiful coffee days.