in Hive Learners6 months ago

Laughter inspires another laugh. So it is with help. When someone receives help it motivates that individual to love to help others too. Sometimes what we see in people is as a result of what they have seen in others. We somehow blame people who are wicked, but the truth is that there were not born like that.


In this last edition of week 110, I will love to share my personal experience. I don't know about others in this community, but somehow I have noticed that what ever topic that is given to us each week in this @hive learners community is in one way or the other related to me or a member of my family.

This was the question that came to my mind when some individuals showed my family and I special care and attention when we needed help and support.
I have been hearing people talking about getting help from people they don't know, and sometimes I just wave it out thinking that they all manufacture the stories and it never happened. I was wrong after all. There are people who God still uses to bless other people.

When my daughter was about to travel abroad for her year three studies. As a French students it was compulsory for her to travel outside the country to a French speaking country for her 3 hundred level. We had no money for that journey and we almost gave up and thought that she won't go with her friends. Three years back we were budgeting #5000, not knowing that we have more than a million to spend for that journey.

After thinking for a very long time what to do and answers was not fourth coming. We decided to solicit for help from our church members and well wishers. We met more than ten people and some of them we sent letters. While waiting to see how help will come we were also getting ready with the little we can provide. Days came to weeks and weeks to months, it kept moving till we came to six months. Help started coming and I was actually shocked at the results that came. We got more than enough and it registered something into my heart.

From the help we received for that journey, I know that I don't need to have enough before helping others. I started raising help for the windows knowing that they have no one to care for them. I successfully did that of two years ago. Coming to last year it took time before I finally gathered the widows and shared something for them during the end of the year. I was happy at the end of the gathering and so did the women.

Every body needs help.
A little help can bring someone out of a very big trouble.
Help given with a pure heart attracts God's blessings
It is more blessed to give than to receive.


Glad you got the help you needed, and you helping people in return is very kind of you. Well done ma

Thanks alot for coming around.
Happy weekend to you

Same to you ma

It always pays to be kind to people, one day they'll definitely save you when you're in your low. I was almost tearing up reading this experience, I wonder how your daughter must have felt.

Thanks for hopping in

You are a good person to have received help beyond your need and this goes a long way to show how people can render help. Humanity is naturally helpful and I'm glad there's a few of us with that nature still.

Very correct dear.
Thanks for hopping in

You're welcome

kindness motivate others to do kindness, the same way you got help with your daughter study and you started helping others.

Sometimes things happen for us to learn from it. I'm happy people stood strong by you and your family when you needed them most. It can be heart melting when we people show us kindness and I'm glad you learnt from it and reciprocated the same act in your best effort to those women in the community that need it without ringing a bell. Truly, we all need help in so many ways and showing efforts in any way we can do go a long way to putting smiles on faces.

Thanks dear sister. Do have a great weekend ahead.

Same wishes dear 😘.

It pays to be kind to people always because you don't know when you will need help. I'm happy your daughter finally got all she needed to further her education.