Age is just a number. This is the language of this generation. Before we don't know all of these. For some of us we came and saw a system at work and we follow suit. We did not consider wether it is right or wrong. All we know is that this is what was our parents taught us and we just followed them.
This picture belongs to me.
For this generation the difference is clear. Most people don't care about age anymore. Love is what matters now. If two people are in love they just move on and get married without minding the age difference.
Our people always say that when the music beatings change, then the dancing steps will also change. We can not hold unto what our parents did because it will not work for us now. What helped them before can not be applicable today. We need to allow the youth of today to decide what the want. in those days their own worked perfectly well for them, but try that system now and see what the results will be.
Before our parents get wife and husband for us. Can we still do that now? Before our parents will decide whether we should visit a friend or not and that will stand. Can we still try that now? The answer to all of these is NO. That is why everything has to change now because they people here today are different from the people that lived years back.
I don't even have a problem with a marrying an older person. It might be a lady that is older or the man that is older. They are all the same. Just that some times we put into consideration some things when it is the lady that is older. The wife is sopposed to submit to the authority of the husband. So, when the lady in question is the older one, can she submit to her husband? Won't she want to still play her seniority over her husband? We still have others issues to be considered. But this is the major reason why some people insist that the lady become the younger one. because they believe that she will not easily submit. Even I myself talking don't know how it will feel when any of my boys in the future brings home a lady that is ten or fifteen years older than them saying that - This is the love of my life. I pray that God will help my heart became it sounds funny now but I don't know if it will be funny then.
That is another challenge for them- parents approval. How will the parents see it? Wether we like it or not we need the blessings of our parents, and so we need them to accept in good faith who ever we have chosen to get married too.
In summary, the people in question should not look at what the society will say when making such decision. Because it will not be an easy task. Well this is no longer for me but for the younger ones.