Adulthood; There is NO going back.

in HiveGhana6 months ago

I have always said times without numbers that if it’s possible to turn back the hands of time, then I would turn back my age and maybe start all over again from when I was 4 years of age. 😂. But it's so impossible to have that happen.

The mystery about life is that the young ones are heavily aspiring to grow older so that they can get the freedom, luxury, and many other things the adults get, meanwhile, when the old ones stare at the young ones, they nod their heads in regret wishing time could take them back to those times again.

Maybe there was some fun they missed out on or some mistakes they wished they could go back to rectify, but it's always over.

Once you're grown you are grown and there is no going back. I remember sometime in my life when my mates were so desperate to grow beards. I will just look and smile, some would even go to the extent of rubbing methylated spirit on their chins so that they could pull beards. But why?

Little did they know that when those beards start growing, there is no going back to the times when they had no beards, little did they know that they have just created another burden on their chin which they must take care of just like they do to their hair.

Some of my friends would now complain about beard treatment 😂. I would just laugh, while some even in old age got no single strand. But that's just an example of how we are always desperate to grow in life and keep drawing closer to us some of the uncertainties of life.

Many times, we wish to get married, but little did we know that getting married is the beginning of another new life entirely. No couple would tell you what they are experiencing, they would clap their hands for you and celebrate you so you join their league, once you are in then they can smile and laugh at you before telling you the reality they face.

Childbearing, I want to name my son this, I want to name my daughter that, I will be the best father to them. Oooh. Only if one knows what it takes to become a parent before getting into parenting, then maybe there won't be any parents in this world. But most times we get into all of these things before we begin to know the true nature of how it works, then we try to blend and dance to the music.

Making money, oooh! Making money could be sweet to make through utterances. But when you take action, you will realize what it takes to have money. I want to become a wealthy man not by mouth, because if it were easy to make money, then everyone in the universe would have become wealthy.

Living life as an adult can be so tricky at times. But it also remains inevitable as we keep growing as time passes by. One day we will all get to become an adult no matter how long we wish to remain young.

Adulthood to me is just a way of life when you see things the way they are, then you adjust to how those things are. When you become an adult you won't get much instruction and corrections like when you were a child, but at this point you get to become the instructor and always try to avoid mistakes.

Since everyone in life would grow except for death came as early. Then we should all be prepared for Adulthood.

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