I completed my 250th parkrun in Japan!

in EXHAUST4 months ago

When I started going to parkrun back in August of 2018 I had no idea I would stick it out to 250.

I knew I loved running and I knew I loved exploring. But I go through phases with things and rarely stick with anything for years.

I do the thing. I learn a bunch. Then I leave in search of the next thing that will help me grow as a human. That's been my way for my whole adult life. And actually, I like it that way.

parkrun (spelled all as one word, all lowercase) has had enough of the things that are important to me that it's kept me engaged almost every week for nearly 5 1/2 years.

It has enough structure to help me feel safe going to new events in locations I've never been to before. And it has enough freedom that I can attend or skip it without a problem.

It allows me the possibility of volunteering in various roles which is entertaining but also brings me so much joy when someone is grateful for my contribution to their run or walk.

It also gives me the option to run fast, or jog slow, or simply walk. And when I watch others who struggle for any reason to run or walk, it reminds me how lucky I am to be able to "simply walk" pain-free in this mostly healthy, strong body.

It gives me the opportunity to connect with others and engage in my local community, the way Paul Sinton-Hewitt originally intended when he started the then Bushy Time Trial over 20 years ago.

And it allows me the option to turn up at almost any parkrun anywhere in the country or the world that I can get myself to.

I do love exploring.

In fact, I would never have started going to parkrun unless a man named James all those years ago told me that I could engage in a little known thing called "parkrun tourism".

Suddenly, a "5km run around a park" transformed into "an adventure where you can go to 5km events around the world." That was it; I was in.

And that conversation led me to:

  • Learn oodles of new things about myself
  • Travel to more and more event locations
  • Meet my darling man
  • Make many parkrun friends
  • Find a home parkrun that truly feels like home
  • Then travel to more parkrun countries, and
  • Eventually, attend my 145th location, in my 5th parkrun country which also happened to be my 250th event.

While it was hot, humid and rainy at home, Urayasushi sogo koen parkrun (Tokyo Bay, Japan) was the opposite - it was cold enough for me to still be wearing two pairs of tights, two buffs and two merino wool tops AFTER I had peeled off layers part way through the run. 😂😶‍🌫️😁

While the weather was cold the response from the event team was warm and super friendly. Some of them had some English. Some of the regular attendees were English-speaking expats who helped with translations. And they were delighted when I spoke tiny bits of Japanese - a little effort goes a long way.

But I was also reminded, not only that morning but the whole way through this two-week trip to Japan, how MUCH we can communicate through body language. While there are cultural differences for sure, we are more alike than we might realise:

We all want to connect with other humans. We all want the freedom to be ourselves. And we all want to feel like what we do matters.

Reaching this 250 milestone helped me remember that what I do matters. Every single step I take matters. Every time I choose to interact with others in a way that is kind, patient, or curious it matters.

I have no idea where my journey will take me from here but what I do know is that I'm going to bravely keep walking forward to becoming the best human I can be with the many opportunities we have access to here in Australia and beyond. And count myself lucky that I can.

{Photo taken by my partner in all things running and life, @new.things and used here with his blessing.}


You have done a very difficult job. It is both difficult and healthy. Congratulations.

That's absolutely fantastic. Can feel your joy and passion oozing through. Congratulations. Crazy cold though huh?

Thank you :) Yes, crazy cold! Speaking of cold, how's the UK?

Great write up @consciouscat and congratulations on 250 parkruns...that's pretty amazing.

Thank you, Sir! 🙏


you are amazing! congrats on reaching your milestone 😊 wishing you many more fun parkruns all around the globe 😊


@sagarkothari88 vote

Thanks so much, @iamraincrystal 😀

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This is a very difficult thing you have achieved
I want to say a big congratulations to you and I hope that you continue to push harder

Thanks, @rafzat. I think I'll probably move my energy into more other fun things now with more joy and less pushing.

Eventually, attend my 145th location, in my 5th parkrun country which also happened to be my 250th event.

Wow! 5th parkrun country! thats an awesome way to celebrate 250! 🎉🏯 I'd love to visit Japan too... so much history there!

Every single step I take matters.

Yep Yep! "Little by little, one travels far"... Lets see where the next 250 parkruns take you :-)


Thanks, mate!

5th country - I know. Cool, hey? So lucky.

I truly don't know if I'll do another 250 parkruns as there are so many things I want to do in this life and I'm loving my exploration of obstacle course racing and training. So we shall see. But I'm definitely not stopping right away. For now, parkrun can definitely help me to continue to 1. connect with people, 2. run train for OCRs and 3. help B and I continue to explore :P

Hope you are well! !HUG

Dear @dannewton, you just got hugged.
I sent 1.0 HUG on behalf of @consciouscat.

!LOL don't worry, I'm not gonna be checking back in 5 years to see if you've managed to add another 250 parkruns 🤣, it was more a nod to keep traveling and exploring, meeting new people and trying new things :-)

I've not seen much about your OCR's... I trust you're still practicing/training for them etc?

Er, I'm not bad thanks... a couple of things are causing some issues, but unfortunately they are things I have zero control over, so just have to try to wait for it all to play out in its own time.

The one thing that I can control (i.e running) is going REALLY well which at least helps to take my mind off the other stuff...

What's the difference between a rain gutter and a clumsy outfielder?
One catches drops, the other drops catches.

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Now lets try for 500!

  1. Why is everyone banging on about 500? I think 250 is FABulous :P

But... ask me about getting to 150 and then 200 different parkruns and then I'm still excited. !LOL !LUV !ALIVE

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The stock market.

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