One of the problems I see every day is people who can't manage money. I don't mean to denigrate people who are truly struggling, but there are plenty of folks who have incomes I would consider truly affluent who still live paycheck to paycheck. Deferred gratification, saving, investment, living below one's means, budgeting to take control of expenses, recognizing opportunity costs, all of this is apparently unknown to most.
I lived in a single-income blue-collar middle class household. I helped my mother clip coupons, plan expenses, and make the most out of what we had while still saving and tithing as a part of home-schooling. I don't think many Gen X, Millennials, or Zoomers have had that kind of experience. The consequences are everywhere. Avoidable consumer debt looms as a constant threat for so many people. Instant gratification and deferred payment is the inverse of healthy financial planning.
So good job teaching Smallsteps early on to start considering these subjects!