Make BBH the most profitable income token on Hive for its holders.
For those who don't know what NSFW is, and I did not know till I searched it on the internet (the term). Not Safe For Work.
"Meaning of NSFW in English
abbreviation for not safe for work: used when sharing internet material that should only be looked at in private because it contains some things, for example pictures of naked people, that could be offensive: Warning: many links in this post are NSFW." source
I am not going to debate the fact it is wright or wrong. Or if it belongs on Threads or Hive. We are a decentrilized blockchain. So that is that.
One thing that is not open for debate is the amount of traffic it would bring to Hive, to INLEO, to Threads
My wife wi tell you I was born under a big rock. I only became aware of NSFW over the last few days, well the term and the fact that it is on FB in the form a reals.
Below is an example copied from FB. That I quickly grabbed the embed code for. Sex sells. They try to wrap it up as dancing, blaw blaw blaw, but they are selling sex to get views and some of these NSFW on FB are getting a lot of views.
Imagine if these people new they could get upvotes on Hive and get paid for upvotes, rather than hoping for donation on FB. Just saying.
It is all about trafic and NSFW will bring traffic to our blockchain.