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RE: Becoming a Busy Bee

in LeoFinance2 months ago

Welcome to BusyBees ! I'm totally with you about the Leo front end. I want so much to like it, but it feels like it needs a lot of work to get it up to the standard of some of the other front ends (although Threads is pretty awesome, and I guess has been their focus for development for a while).

I find I use Ecency and PeakD about equally but for different things. Ecency is better for me for notifications, but for me PeakD has the edge when it comes to creating posts. Most especially, the way their template system works is t5he best on Hive. I can create a template, put in standard blocks of text, paragraph break images etc, then add all the tags. It makes the posts I do regularly so much easier and quicker !


I totally agree. I tried Peakd before and it stands out for sure. I'm using ecency for multiple reasons. The people in ecency discord were the kindest and helped me the most in the beginning. The editor works good and I use the drafts and snippets. Also ecency has an app on the phone which I often use at work. Any other frontend has this? Inleo is just for the threads. Oh and I use the engage app on my pc often which helps that I don't miss any comments.

One of the things I love about Hive is that you actually get a choice of front ends, so you can pick the one (or ones) that work best for you, rather than being shoe-horned into a specific way of working. But there are definitely some things I should look at in Ecency that I haven't tried yet !

That's exactly what I like too. It's the same with Nostr. You can use what suits you the best. I'm using noStrudel on my PC and Amythyst on my phone.